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kun, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverbial conjunction

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when, as (temporal: at the same time or instant that) Fin:Sain viestisi, kun olin jo matkalla lentokentälle.Eng:I got your message when I was already on my way to the airport.Fin:Hän ilmestyi antamaan ohjeita, kun olin jo saanut työn valmiiksi.Eng:He showed up to give instructions when I had already finished the job. as soon as, once; expresses that the event of the main clause takes place immediately after that of the subclause, often used with the clitic -han Fin:Tulen tapaamaan sinua, kun(han) saan tämän valmiiksi.Eng:I will come to see you as soon as I finish this job. because, since Fin:Hän menetti työpaikkansa, kun tuli aina myöhässä.Eng:She lost her job because she was always late.Fin:En voi tulla huomenna, minulla kun on aamuvuoro.Eng:I cannot come tomorrow as I have the morning shift. Short for kunpa. Show more arrow right ei kun kunpa silloin kun sitten kun voi kun Show more arrow right The singular instructive case of kuka. Originally a lesser used variant of kuin; modern differences between the two were introduced when the language was standardized. Show more arrow right
when kun, jos, jolloin, milloin, silloin kun, koska
as kuten, koska, kun, niin kuin, samalla kun, vaikka
since koska, kun, saakka, sen jälkeen kun, siitä asti kun
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Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles; WikiMatrix; OPUS; opensubtitles2 Kun aurinko paistaa, linnut laulavat. When the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Voit soittaa minulle kun tarvitset apua. You can call me whenever you need help. Kun satoi lunta, lapset menivät pulkkamäkeen. When it snowed, the children went sledding. Kun aurinko paistaa, on mukava lähteä ulos lenkille. When the sun is shining, it's nice to go out for a run. Opiskelijat voivat keskeyttää opintonsa kun tahansa. Students can interrupt their studies at any time. Kun olin nuori, en osannut arvostaa perheeni tärkeyttä. When I was young, I didn't know how to appreciate the importance of my family. Kun Pauliina oli pieni tyttö, hän unelmoi lentäjän urasta. When Pauliina was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a pilot. Kun satoi lunta, lapset innostuivat rakentamaan lumilinnaa pihalle. When it snowed, the children got excited to build a snow castle in the yard. En voi tulla illalliselle huomenna, kun minulla on jo suunnitelmia. I can't come for dinner tomorrow, as I already have plans. Kun siltä tuntuu, soita minulle. When you feel up to it, give me a call. Show more arrow right


when, as (temporal: at the same time or instant that) Fin:Sain viestisi, kun olin jo matkalla lentokentälle.Eng:I got your message when I was already on my way to the airport.Fin:Hän ilmestyi antamaan ohjeita, kun olin jo saanut työn valmiiksi.Eng:He showed up to give instructions when I had already finished the job. as soon as, once; expresses that the event of the main clause takes place immediately after that of the subclause, often used with the clitic -han Fin:Tulen tapaamaan sinua, kun(han) saan tämän valmiiksi.Eng:I will come to see you as soon as I finish this job. because, since Fin:Hän menetti työpaikkansa, kun tuli aina myöhässä.Eng:She lost her job because she was always late.Fin:En voi tulla huomenna, minulla kun on aamuvuoro.Eng:I cannot come tomorrow as I have the morning shift. Short for kunpa. Show more arrow right ei kun kunpa silloin kun sitten kun voi kun Show more arrow right The singular instructive case of kuka. Originally a lesser used variant of kuin; modern differences between the two were introduced when the language was standardized. Show more arrow right
when kun, jos, jolloin, milloin, silloin kun, koska
as kuten, koska, kun, niin kuin, samalla kun, vaikka
since koska, kun, saakka, sen jälkeen kun, siitä asti kun
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Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles; WikiMatrix; OPUS; opensubtitles2 Kun aurinko paistaa, linnut laulavat. When the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Voit soittaa minulle kun tarvitset apua. You can call me whenever you need help. Kun satoi lunta, lapset menivät pulkkamäkeen. When it snowed, the children went sledding. Kun aurinko paistaa, on mukava lähteä ulos lenkille. When the sun is shining, it's nice to go out for a run. Opiskelijat voivat keskeyttää opintonsa kun tahansa. Students can interrupt their studies at any time. Kun olin nuori, en osannut arvostaa perheeni tärkeyttä. When I was young, I didn't know how to appreciate the importance of my family. Kun Pauliina oli pieni tyttö, hän unelmoi lentäjän urasta. When Pauliina was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a pilot. Kun satoi lunta, lapset innostuivat rakentamaan lumilinnaa pihalle. When it snowed, the children got excited to build a snow castle in the yard. En voi tulla illalliselle huomenna, kun minulla on jo suunnitelmia. I can't come for dinner tomorrow, as I already have plans. Kun siltä tuntuu, soita minulle. When you feel up to it, give me a call. Show more arrow right
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