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tahansa, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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any, -ever, either; used with interrogative pronouns (kuka, mikä, missä, milloin, millainen, kumpi etc.) to indicate that a choice between available options (which may be infinite) is indifferent or arbitrary in at least one respect. Fin:Mikä tahansa voisi saada hänet raivostumaan.Eng:Anything could infuriate him/her.Fin:Minkä tahansa valinnan teet, sillä on seurauksensa.Eng:Whichever choice you make, there will be consequences.Fin:Minulle sopii mikä tahansa, mitä sanot.Eng:Whatever you say is fine with me.Fin:Kenelle tahansa sen (sitten) annatkin, älä anna sitä minulle.Eng:Whomever you give it to, don't give it to me.Fin:Kuka tahansa saattaisi kysyä tätä.Eng:Anyone might ask this.Fin:Missä tahansa (sitten) asutkin, varo karhuja.Eng:Wherever you live, beware of the bears.Fin:Voit ottaa kumman auton tahansa.Eng:You can take either car. Show more arrow right hyvänsävain Show more arrow right kuka tahansa mikä tahansa Show more arrow right taha- +‎ -nsa; the stem is from the same origin as tahtoa and is also seen in tai (archaic tahi). Show more arrow right


any time
any of the
any of
of any
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