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alitse, adverb

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by beneath, by underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something) alitse (+ genitive)Fin:Pallo pyöri tuolin alitse ja ovesta ulos.Eng:The ball rolled underneath the chair and out of the door. Show more arrow right (beneath, underneath) ali Show more arrow right (beneath, underneath) yli, ylitse Show more arrow right ala- +‎ -itse Show more arrow right
under alle, nojalla, alla, mukaan, alapuolella, alitse
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OPUS Corpus, sentence 49901.; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 10121.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 4824268.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 3478532.; Literature; jw2019 Auto ajaa tunnelin alitse. The car is driving under the tunnel. Tästä alitse. Just under here. Kissanpentu hyppäsi pöydän alitse. The kitten jumped under the table. Katsoin rautatien alitse kulkevaa junaa. I watched the train passing underneath the railroad. On alitse virtaavan joen pieni silta. There is a small bridge over a flowing river. Voisimme ampua sen alitse ja osua veneeseen. We could shoot under it and hit the sub. Sitä ennen virtaa vielä paljon vettä sillan alitse. Oh, there'll be much water flowing under bridges before that. Se livahti portin alitse ja oli lopulta turvassa metsässä. He slipped underneath the gate and was safe at last in the wood outside. Kaivetaan tunneli alitse, kierretään sivustas-kunhan homma hoidetaan. Go over them, tunnel under them, you go around them, but you... get the job done. Mutta hän ei ollut edes huomannut, että aalto kulki hänen laivansa alitse. Yet he had not even noticed when the wave passed under his ship. Show more arrow right
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by beneath, by underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something) alitse (+ genitive)Fin:Pallo pyöri tuolin alitse ja ovesta ulos.Eng:The ball rolled underneath the chair and out of the door. Show more arrow right (beneath, underneath) ali Show more arrow right (beneath, underneath) yli, ylitse Show more arrow right ala- +‎ -itse Show more arrow right
under alle, nojalla, alla, mukaan, alapuolella, alitse
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OPUS Corpus, sentence 49901.; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 10121.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 4824268.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 3478532.; Literature; jw2019 Auto ajaa tunnelin alitse. The car is driving under the tunnel. Tästä alitse. Just under here. Kissanpentu hyppäsi pöydän alitse. The kitten jumped under the table. Katsoin rautatien alitse kulkevaa junaa. I watched the train passing underneath the railroad. On alitse virtaavan joen pieni silta. There is a small bridge over a flowing river. Voisimme ampua sen alitse ja osua veneeseen. We could shoot under it and hit the sub. Sitä ennen virtaa vielä paljon vettä sillan alitse. Oh, there'll be much water flowing under bridges before that. Se livahti portin alitse ja oli lopulta turvassa metsässä. He slipped underneath the gate and was safe at last in the wood outside. Kaivetaan tunneli alitse, kierretään sivustas-kunhan homma hoidetaan. Go over them, tunnel under them, you go around them, but you... get the job done. Mutta hän ei ollut edes huomannut, että aalto kulki hänen laivansa alitse. Yet he had not even noticed when the wave passed under his ship. Show more arrow right
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by beneath, by underneath (when one goes through the space that is underneath something) alitse (+ genitive)Fin:Pallo pyöri tuolin alitse ja ovesta ulos.Eng:The ball rolled underneath the chair and out of the door. Show more arrow right (beneath, underneath) ali Show more arrow right (beneath, underneath) yli, ylitse Show more arrow right ala- +‎ -itse Show more arrow right
under alle, nojalla, alla, mukaan, alapuolella, alitse
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OPUS Corpus, sentence 49901.; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 10121.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 4824268.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 3478532.; Literature; jw2019 Auto ajaa tunnelin alitse. The car is driving under the tunnel. Tästä alitse. Just under here. Kissanpentu hyppäsi pöydän alitse. The kitten jumped under the table. Katsoin rautatien alitse kulkevaa junaa. I watched the train passing underneath the railroad. On alitse virtaavan joen pieni silta. There is a small bridge over a flowing river. Voisimme ampua sen alitse ja osua veneeseen. We could shoot under it and hit the sub. Sitä ennen virtaa vielä paljon vettä sillan alitse. Oh, there'll be much water flowing under bridges before that. Se livahti portin alitse ja oli lopulta turvassa metsässä. He slipped underneath the gate and was safe at last in the wood outside. Kaivetaan tunneli alitse, kierretään sivustas-kunhan homma hoidetaan. Go over them, tunnel under them, you go around them, but you... get the job done. Mutta hän ei ollut edes huomannut, että aalto kulki hänen laivansa alitse. Yet he had not even noticed when the wave passed under his ship. Show more arrow right
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