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edes, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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even (suggesting an absolute minimum in a question) Fin:Voiko hän edes juosta?Eng:Is he even able to run? at least (suggesting an absolute minimum in a positive statement) ainakin, vähintäänFin:Voisit edes lähettää hänelle kortin.Eng:You could at least send her/him a postcard.Fin:Anna kymmenen tai edes viisi euroa.Eng:Give me ten or at least five euros. anyway (in any event) kuitenkin, kumminkin, sentäänFin:Hyvä, että edes ilma oli kaunis.Eng:Well, the weather was beautiful anyway. even, so much as (suggesting the lack of even a minimum of something in a negative statement) -kaanFin:Asun talossa, jossa ei ole edes vesijohtoa.Eng:I live in a house which doesn't even have tap water.Fin:Hän käveli huoneeseen kysymättä edes lupaa ja alkoi selailla heidän tiedostojaan.Eng:Without so much as asking, he walked into the room and started digging through their files.Fin:Älä edes kuvittele!Eng:Don't even think of it!Fin:Edes NN ei osannut auttaa.Eng:Even NN was not able to help. (as modifier) for-, fore-, forth (signifies being in front of something, often figuratively) Fin:edesmennytEng:deceased (compare foregone)Fin:edestakaisinEng:back and forthFin:edesvastuuEng:legal liability (liability in front of the law) (as headword) on, onward (in some time-related expressions) Fin:tästedesEng:from now on Show more arrow right From lative singular esi- +‎ -s. Show more arrow right
at least vähintään, ainakin, edes
at all lainkaan, ollenkaan, edes
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Tatoeba; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OSCAR Parallel Corpus 2.0, sentence 5324785; Europarl Parallel Corpus - Finnish-English, sentence 6579; Tatoeba - Finnish-English, sentence 2308914; Tatoeba - Finnish-English, sentence 3810900; OPUS - Finnish-English, sentence 19471 Menehän edes nukkumaan. Go to bed at least. Edes hän ei tiennyt totuutta. He didn't even know the truth. Edes yksi ihminen oli paikalla. Not even one person was present. Emme löytäneet edes yhtä sopivaa lahjaa. We didn't find suitable gift even once. Kiitos, kun suostuit tulemaan edes tänään. Thank you for agreeing to come today at least. Hän ei kuunnellut edes minua. He didn't even listen to me. Minä en jaksaisi edes yrittää. I wouldn't even bother trying. Hän ei vastannut puhelimeen edes äitinsä soitettua. He didn't answer the phone even when his mother called. En pystynyt nukkumaan edes kunnolla tuon kovan melun takia. I couldn't sleep properly even due to that loud noise. Kukaan ei ollut valmis auttamaan edes pienen tehtävän kanssa. Nobody was willing to help even with a small task. Show more arrow right
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