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kunhan, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverbial conjunction

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(subordinating) as long as, provided (expressing condition) Fin:Voit tulla syömään, kunhan olet pessyt kätesi.Eng:You can come to eat as long as you've washed your hands.Fin:Kunhan pilailin.Eng:Just kidding, only joking. (subordinating) as soon as, once Fin:Tulen tapaamaan sinua, kunhan saan tämän valmiiksi.Eng:I will come to see you as soon as I finish this job. Show more arrow right kun +‎ -han Show more arrow right
as long as the
as long as
so long as
as long
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OPUS lighthouse corpus 2.0; ParaCrawl parallel corpus; Europarl parallel corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OPUS Helsinki parallel corpus; JRC-Acquis; Helsinki corpus of Older Bilinguals; Tatoeba parallel corpus; OpenSubtitles parallel corpus; OpenSubtitles2018 Hän ei välitä, kunhan saa työnsä tehdyksi. He doesn't care, as long as he gets his work done. Älä huolehdi, kunhan pidät mielessä ohjeet. Don't worry, as long as you keep the instructions in mind. Kunhan sataa lunta, voimme mennä hiihtämään. As long as it snows, we can go skiing. Kunhan saat sen valmiiksi, voit lähteä kotiin. Once you finish it, you can go home. Kunhan opettaja on paikalla, voimme aloittaa tunnin. Once the teacher is here, we can start the lesson. Saat mennä mihin haluat, kunhan tulot ovat säännölliset. You can go wherever you want, as long as the income is regular. Voit valita oman tiimisi, kunhan se on valmis ensi viikolla. You can choose your own team, provided that it is ready by next week. Olen valmis auttamaan sinua, kunhan et käytä minua hyväksesi. I am willing to help you, as long as you don't take advantage of me. Haluan matkustaa Eurooppaan, kunhan vain löydän halvat lennot. I want to travel to Europe, provided that I can find cheap flights. Kunhan hän saa tarpeeksi unta, pystyy hän keskittymään paremmin. As soon as he gets enough sleep, he can concentrate better. Show more arrow right


(subordinating) as long as, provided (expressing condition) Fin:Voit tulla syömään, kunhan olet pessyt kätesi.Eng:You can come to eat as long as you've washed your hands.Fin:Kunhan pilailin.Eng:Just kidding, only joking. (subordinating) as soon as, once Fin:Tulen tapaamaan sinua, kunhan saan tämän valmiiksi.Eng:I will come to see you as soon as I finish this job. Show more arrow right kun +‎ -han Show more arrow right
as long as the
as long as
so long as
as long
Show more arrow right
OPUS lighthouse corpus 2.0; ParaCrawl parallel corpus; Europarl parallel corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OPUS Helsinki parallel corpus; JRC-Acquis; Helsinki corpus of Older Bilinguals; Tatoeba parallel corpus; OpenSubtitles parallel corpus; OpenSubtitles2018 Hän ei välitä, kunhan saa työnsä tehdyksi. He doesn't care, as long as he gets his work done. Älä huolehdi, kunhan pidät mielessä ohjeet. Don't worry, as long as you keep the instructions in mind. Kunhan sataa lunta, voimme mennä hiihtämään. As long as it snows, we can go skiing. Kunhan saat sen valmiiksi, voit lähteä kotiin. Once you finish it, you can go home. Kunhan opettaja on paikalla, voimme aloittaa tunnin. Once the teacher is here, we can start the lesson. Saat mennä mihin haluat, kunhan tulot ovat säännölliset. You can go wherever you want, as long as the income is regular. Voit valita oman tiimisi, kunhan se on valmis ensi viikolla. You can choose your own team, provided that it is ready by next week. Olen valmis auttamaan sinua, kunhan et käytä minua hyväksesi. I am willing to help you, as long as you don't take advantage of me. Haluan matkustaa Eurooppaan, kunhan vain löydän halvat lennot. I want to travel to Europe, provided that I can find cheap flights. Kunhan hän saa tarpeeksi unta, pystyy hän keskittymään paremmin. As soon as he gets enough sleep, he can concentrate better. Show more arrow right
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