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minnekään, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Quantifying


Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles, Focus clitic with suffix kaan


Adverb, Quantifying, Focus clitic with suffix kaan

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(in question clauses) Anywhere. Fin:Menikö hän minnekään?Eng:Did s/he go anywhere? (with a negation verb form) Nowhere, not ... anywhere. Fin:Et saa lähteä minnekään.Eng:You are not allowed to go anywhere.Fin:Älä mene minnekään!Eng:Don't go anywhere! Show more arrow right The sublative case of mikään. Show more arrow right
to nowhere
nowhere to
anywhere from
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Tatoeba; opensubtitles2; OpenSubtitles2018.v3 En halua matkustaa minnekään nyt. I don't want to travel anywhere right now. Kun kuulet tämän, olen ilmassa, matkalla ei minnekään. When you hear this, I' il be in the air on my way to nowhere. Kukaan ei mene minnekään. Ei, ennen kuin soitamme poliisille. Nobody's going anywhere, not until we call the police. Show more arrow right


(in question clauses) Anywhere. Fin:Menikö hän minnekään?Eng:Did s/he go anywhere? (with a negation verb form) Nowhere, not ... anywhere. Fin:Et saa lähteä minnekään.Eng:You are not allowed to go anywhere.Fin:Älä mene minnekään!Eng:Don't go anywhere! Show more arrow right The sublative case of mikään. Show more arrow right
to nowhere
nowhere to
anywhere from
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Tatoeba; opensubtitles2; OpenSubtitles2018.v3 En halua matkustaa minnekään nyt. I don't want to travel anywhere right now. Kun kuulet tämän, olen ilmassa, matkalla ei minnekään. When you hear this, I' il be in the air on my way to nowhere. Kukaan ei mene minnekään. Ei, ennen kuin soitamme poliisille. Nobody's going anywhere, not until we call the police. Show more arrow right


(of movement) where (... to), whither Fin:Minne menet?Eng:Where are you going (to)? Show more arrow right mihinkunne Show more arrow right The sublative singular of mikä (interrogative pronoun); mi- +‎ -nne. Show more arrow right
where jossa, missä, mihin, jonne, minne, siellä missä
whither minne, jonne
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba; opensubtitles2; OpenSubtitles En minnekään. Nowhere. En mennyt minnekään juhannuksena. I didn't go anywhere for Midsummer. Et mene minnekään. You're not going anywhere. Ei minnekään muualle. Nowhere else. En ole nähnyt häntä minnekään tänään. I haven't seen him anywhere today. En vie niitä minnekään. Doesn't need to leave the room. Minne menen? So... who will I go with? Minne matka? Yeah, where are you going? Minne menet? Hey, where are you going? Minne menit? Where did you go? Show more arrow right


(of movement) where (... to), whither Fin:Minne menet?Eng:Where are you going (to)? Show more arrow right mihinkunne Show more arrow right The sublative singular of mikä (interrogative pronoun); mi- +‎ -nne. Show more arrow right
where jossa, missä, mihin, jonne, minne, siellä missä
whither minne, jonne
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba; opensubtitles2; OpenSubtitles En minnekään. Nowhere. En mennyt minnekään juhannuksena. I didn't go anywhere for Midsummer. Et mene minnekään. You're not going anywhere. Ei minnekään muualle. Nowhere else. En ole nähnyt häntä minnekään tänään. I haven't seen him anywhere today. En vie niitä minnekään. Doesn't need to leave the room. Minne menen? So... who will I go with? Minne matka? Yeah, where are you going? Minne menet? Hey, where are you going? Minne menit? Where did you go? Show more arrow right
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