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vakavasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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seriously Fin:En voi ottaa sitä vakavasti.Eng:I can't take it seriously. Show more arrow right vakava +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
seriously vakavasti, tosissaan, vakavissaan, ihan totta
severely vakavasti, ankarasti, pahoin, koruttomasti
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Tilde MODEL; Opus 2; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles Hän sai vakavasti varoitellen muutoksesta tiedon. He received the information about the change seriously and warned accordingly. Minua vakavasti huolestutti hänen terveytensä tila. I was seriously worried about his health condition. Vakavasti ottaen, tilanne on melko hankala ratkaista. Seriously speaking, the situation is quite difficult to resolve. Vakavasti pohdittuna, tämä voisi olla hyvä ratkaisu ongelmaamme. Seriously considered, this could be a good solution to our problem. Show more arrow right


seriously Fin:En voi ottaa sitä vakavasti.Eng:I can't take it seriously. Show more arrow right vakava +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
seriously vakavasti, tosissaan, vakavissaan, ihan totta
severely vakavasti, ankarasti, pahoin, koruttomasti
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Tilde MODEL; Opus 2; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles Hän sai vakavasti varoitellen muutoksesta tiedon. He received the information about the change seriously and warned accordingly. Minua vakavasti huolestutti hänen terveytensä tila. I was seriously worried about his health condition. Vakavasti ottaen, tilanne on melko hankala ratkaista. Seriously speaking, the situation is quite difficult to resolve. Vakavasti pohdittuna, tämä voisi olla hyvä ratkaisu ongelmaamme. Seriously considered, this could be a good solution to our problem. Show more arrow right
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