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ihan, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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totally exactly quite Show more arrow right aivan Show more arrow right Possibly the instructive singular of obsolete ihta (“opportunity, chance”) or from the same root seen in ihana that is of Indo-Iranian origin. Show more arrow right
quite melko, varsin, aivan, aika, täysin, ihan
right oikealle, oikealla, aivan, oikein, juuri, ihan
only vain, ainoastaan, vasta, pelkästään, aivan, ihan
plenty paljon, aivan, useat, ihan, viljalti, hurjasti
smack suoraan, ihan, tismalleen
smack-bang suoraan, ihan, just
smack-dab suoraan, ihan, just
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Sentence 762 in the corpus.; Sentence 483 in the corpus.; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Sentence 1165 in the corpus. Se on ihan sama. It's totally the same. Olen ihan valmis. I'm completely ready. Ei ihan. Not quite. Ihan sama. Whatever. Ihan tosi? Where they play Russian Roulette. Ihan hyvä. Kind of. Mielestäni se meni ihan hyvin. I think it went quite well. Se on ihan hyvä. Okay, it works fine. Ihanko totta? Really? Ihan liian korkealla. It's way too high. Show more arrow right
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