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useasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Quantifier

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often, many times, repeatedly Show more arrow right monesti Show more arrow right usea +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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Europarl; Tatoeba; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; Helsinki University Finnish-English Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles; OPUS; WikiMatrix; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba parallel corpus Useasti hän oli myöhässä. Useasti he was late. Älä muuta useasti salasanaasi. Do not change your password frequently. Hevonen harjataan useasti viikossa. The horse is groomed regularly several times a week. Käymme useasti kävelyillä metsässä. We often go for walks in the forest. Käyn useasti uimassa järvessä kesäisin. I go swimming in the lake often in the summer. Hän kävi useasti terveystarkastuksissa. He visited the doctor often. Useasti hän unohti ottaa avaimet mukaansa. He often forgot to take the keys with him. Äiti kävi useasti kirjastossa lapsuudessani. My mother went to the library often when I was a child. Hän on pelastanut minut useasti. He saved my ass more than once. Kysyn useastiko olet käynyt siellä. I ask how often you have been there. Show more arrow right


often, many times, repeatedly Show more arrow right monesti Show more arrow right usea +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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Europarl; Tatoeba; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; Helsinki University Finnish-English Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles; OPUS; WikiMatrix; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba parallel corpus Useasti hän oli myöhässä. Useasti he was late. Älä muuta useasti salasanaasi. Do not change your password frequently. Hevonen harjataan useasti viikossa. The horse is groomed regularly several times a week. Käymme useasti kävelyillä metsässä. We often go for walks in the forest. Käyn useasti uimassa järvessä kesäisin. I go swimming in the lake often in the summer. Hän kävi useasti terveystarkastuksissa. He visited the doctor often. Useasti hän unohti ottaa avaimet mukaansa. He often forgot to take the keys with him. Äiti kävi useasti kirjastossa lapsuudessani. My mother went to the library often when I was a child. Hän on pelastanut minut useasti. He saved my ass more than once. Kysyn useastiko olet käynyt siellä. I ask how often you have been there. Show more arrow right
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