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useasti + ko, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles, Question clitic


Adverb, Quantifier, Question clitic

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often, many times, repeatedly Show more arrow right monesti Show more arrow right usea +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba parallel corpus; Finnish-English News Commentary Parallel Corpus; Europarl parallel corpus; Finnish-English OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; Finnish-English EU Constitution Parallel Corpus; Finnish-English Wikipedia Parallel Corpus; JW300 parallel corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OPUS Corpus; Tilde Model OPUS Kysyn useastiko olet käynyt siellä. I ask how often you have been there. Useastiko hän käy salilla viikossa? How often does he go to the gym each week? Useastiko käytät puhelintasi päivässä? How often do you use your phone in a day? Useastiko käyt elokuvissa kuukaudessa? How often do you go to the movies in a month? Useastiko hän tapaa ystäviään viikossa? How often does he meet his friends per week? Useastiko käyt laskettelemaan talvella? How often do you go skiing in the winter? Useastiko käytät tätä laitetta päivittäin? How often do you use this device daily? Useastiko käyt tanssitunneilla kuukaudessa? How often do you attend dance classes in a month? Hän kysyy useastiko hallitus tapaa kokoontua. He asks how often the government meets together. Hei, voitko kertoa minulle useastiko tämä tapahtuu? Hey, can you tell me how often this happens? Show more arrow right


often, many times, repeatedly Show more arrow right monesti Show more arrow right usea +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba parallel corpus; Finnish-English News Commentary Parallel Corpus; Europarl parallel corpus; Finnish-English OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; Finnish-English EU Constitution Parallel Corpus; Finnish-English Wikipedia Parallel Corpus; JW300 parallel corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OPUS Corpus; Tilde Model OPUS Kysyn useastiko olet käynyt siellä. I ask how often you have been there. Useastiko hän käy salilla viikossa? How often does he go to the gym each week? Useastiko käytät puhelintasi päivässä? How often do you use your phone in a day? Useastiko käyt elokuvissa kuukaudessa? How often do you go to the movies in a month? Useastiko hän tapaa ystäviään viikossa? How often does he meet his friends per week? Useastiko käyt laskettelemaan talvella? How often do you go skiing in the winter? Useastiko käytät tätä laitetta päivittäin? How often do you use this device daily? Useastiko käyt tanssitunneilla kuukaudessa? How often do you attend dance classes in a month? Hän kysyy useastiko hallitus tapaa kokoontua. He asks how often the government meets together. Hei, voitko kertoa minulle useastiko tämä tapahtuu? Hey, can you tell me how often this happens? Show more arrow right
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