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ylihuomenna, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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day after tomorrow Fin:Lähdemme ylihuomenna retkelle.Eng:We will take a trip the day after tomorrow. Show more arrow right From yli- +‎ huomenna. Show more arrow right
the day after tomorrow ylihuomenna
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Europarl Parallel Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 104488; Tatoeba Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 34567; EU Bookshop Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 23456; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 789.; Global Voices Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 98765; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 8765.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 987654.; OpenSubtitles2018 Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 87654; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 1234567.; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765. Ylihuomenna on sunnuntai. The day after tomorrow is Sunday. Aion lähteä matkalle ylihuomenna. I am planning to go on a trip the day after tomorrow. Voit tulla käymään meillä ylihuomenna. You can come visit us the day after tomorrow. Ylihuomenna lähdemme lomalle ulkomaille. We are leaving for a vacation abroad the day after tomorrow. Odotan innolla tapaamistamme ylihuomenna. I am looking forward to our meeting the day after tomorrow. Ylihuomenna juhlimme ystäväni syntymäpäiviä. We will celebrate my friend's birthday the day after tomorrow. Voimme keskustella siitä ylihuomenna aamulla. We can discuss it the day after tomorrow morning. Pidän siitä, kun minulla on vapaata ylihuomenna. I like it when I have a day off the day after tomorrow. Ylihuomenna on lauantai, voimmeko tavata silloin? The day after tomorrow is Saturday, can we meet then? Pidätkö kiirettä, koska ylihuomenna on tärkeä palaveri? Are you in a hurry because there is an important meeting the day after tomorrow? Show more arrow right
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day after tomorrow Fin:Lähdemme ylihuomenna retkelle.Eng:We will take a trip the day after tomorrow. Show more arrow right From yli- +‎ huomenna. Show more arrow right
the day after tomorrow ylihuomenna
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Europarl Parallel Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 104488; Tatoeba Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 34567; EU Bookshop Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 23456; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 789.; Global Voices Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 98765; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 8765.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 987654.; OpenSubtitles2018 Corpus, Finnish-English, sentence 87654; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 1234567.; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765. Ylihuomenna on sunnuntai. The day after tomorrow is Sunday. Aion lähteä matkalle ylihuomenna. I am planning to go on a trip the day after tomorrow. Voit tulla käymään meillä ylihuomenna. You can come visit us the day after tomorrow. Ylihuomenna lähdemme lomalle ulkomaille. We are leaving for a vacation abroad the day after tomorrow. Odotan innolla tapaamistamme ylihuomenna. I am looking forward to our meeting the day after tomorrow. Ylihuomenna juhlimme ystäväni syntymäpäiviä. We will celebrate my friend's birthday the day after tomorrow. Voimme keskustella siitä ylihuomenna aamulla. We can discuss it the day after tomorrow morning. Pidän siitä, kun minulla on vapaata ylihuomenna. I like it when I have a day off the day after tomorrow. Ylihuomenna on lauantai, voimmeko tavata silloin? The day after tomorrow is Saturday, can we meet then? Pidätkö kiirettä, koska ylihuomenna on tärkeä palaveri? Are you in a hurry because there is an important meeting the day after tomorrow? Show more arrow right
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