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ylempää, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Comparitive



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from above, from higher above Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; Tilde MODEL Parallel Corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; CommonCrawl; Tatoeba; GlobalVoices; OpenSubtitles; Europarl; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; OPUS Finnish - English Hakiako ylempää vai alhaalta? Should we search from up or down instead? Lue se ylempää istumapaikalta. Read it from an upper seat. Ylempää repäisee ja Salli huutaa. Rips it further upward and Salli screams. Sieltä ylempää on kaunis näköala. From above, there is a beautiful view. Baari on muutaman korttelin ylempää. The bar is a few blocks up. Parvekkeeltani ylempää voi nähdä koko kaupungin. From my balcony above, you can see the whole city. Talo on ehkä vähän ylempää, mutta suoraan vastapäätä. The house is maybe a little bit higher, but directly opposite. Ylempää katsoen Euroopan unioni on yhteisönä vahvempi. From a higher standpoint, the European Union is stronger as a community. Jonkun on katsottava ylempää tilannetta. Someone has to look at the situation from above. Asiakas voi tilata myös ylempää tilasta. The customer can also order from the upper floor. Show more arrow right


from above, from higher above Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; Tilde MODEL Parallel Corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; CommonCrawl; Tatoeba; GlobalVoices; OpenSubtitles; Europarl; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; OPUS Finnish - English Hakiako ylempää vai alhaalta? Should we search from up or down instead? Lue se ylempää istumapaikalta. Read it from an upper seat. Ylempää repäisee ja Salli huutaa. Rips it further upward and Salli screams. Sieltä ylempää on kaunis näköala. From above, there is a beautiful view. Baari on muutaman korttelin ylempää. The bar is a few blocks up. Parvekkeeltani ylempää voi nähdä koko kaupungin. From my balcony above, you can see the whole city. Talo on ehkä vähän ylempää, mutta suoraan vastapäätä. The house is maybe a little bit higher, but directly opposite. Ylempää katsoen Euroopan unioni on yhteisönä vahvempi. From a higher standpoint, the European Union is stronger as a community. Jonkun on katsottava ylempää tilannetta. Someone has to look at the situation from above. Asiakas voi tilata myös ylempää tilasta. The customer can also order from the upper floor. Show more arrow right
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