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sattumoisin, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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by chance Fin:Oletteko sattumoisin huomanneet...Eng:Have you all by any chance realised... Show more arrow right sattuma +‎ -isin Show more arrow right
by chance sattumalta, sattumoisin
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl8; QED Se on sattumoisin totta. It's true , incidentally. Sattumoisin, olen macho. Incidentally, I'm macho. Sattumoisin lähellä"romanttista"? So it's just a coincidence that they sound so romantic? Herra Hooper, olen sattumoisin tutkinut asiaa. Now that you mention it, Mr. Hooper, have done the research. Sattumoisin se kaveri sanoi rakastavansa minua. It just so happens that that guy told me he loves me tonight. Enkä olisi mikään lahna, jos sattumoisin sitä epäilet. And I wouldn't just lie there, Michael Bluth... Liikenteestä vastaava komissaari on sattumoisin täällä. We happen to have the Commissioner for Transport here. Sattumoisin olisin halunnut myös komission tekevän samoin. Incidentally, I would have liked to see the Commission do the same. Sattumoisin meillä on numerot kolme ja neljä. We happen to have number three and number four, " we tell the subject. Se lääkäri, jota poikasi tapailee, eihän sattumoisin olisi musta? Hey, that doctor guy your son is seeing, he's not Black by any chance, is he? Show more arrow right
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by chance Fin:Oletteko sattumoisin huomanneet...Eng:Have you all by any chance realised... Show more arrow right sattuma +‎ -isin Show more arrow right
by chance sattumalta, sattumoisin
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl8; QED Se on sattumoisin totta. It's true , incidentally. Sattumoisin, olen macho. Incidentally, I'm macho. Sattumoisin lähellä"romanttista"? So it's just a coincidence that they sound so romantic? Herra Hooper, olen sattumoisin tutkinut asiaa. Now that you mention it, Mr. Hooper, have done the research. Sattumoisin se kaveri sanoi rakastavansa minua. It just so happens that that guy told me he loves me tonight. Enkä olisi mikään lahna, jos sattumoisin sitä epäilet. And I wouldn't just lie there, Michael Bluth... Liikenteestä vastaava komissaari on sattumoisin täällä. We happen to have the Commissioner for Transport here. Sattumoisin olisin halunnut myös komission tekevän samoin. Incidentally, I would have liked to see the Commission do the same. Sattumoisin meillä on numerot kolme ja neljä. We happen to have number three and number four, " we tell the subject. Se lääkäri, jota poikasi tapailee, eihän sattumoisin olisi musta? Hey, that doctor guy your son is seeing, he's not Black by any chance, is he? Show more arrow right
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