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puuh, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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Europarl; Helsinki Corpus, Finnish News, sentence 345.; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 9156.; Tatoeba; OPUS Corpus, European Parliament Proceedings, sentence 25678. Puuh on laitettava lapsi päiväunille. It's time to put the child down for a nap. Pieni puuh voi tuottaa suuria tuloksia. A small effort can yield great results. Puuh on omituista, miten paljon lihaa syöt. It's strange how much meat you eat. Puuh oli pitkä ja rankka, mutta tulokset olivat sen arvoisia. The task was long and tough, but the results were worth it. Koulun jälkeen paras puuh on mennä ulos leikkimään ystävien kanssa. The best thing to do after school is to go outside and play with friends. Show more arrow right
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Europarl; Helsinki Corpus, Finnish News, sentence 345.; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 9156.; Tatoeba; OPUS Corpus, European Parliament Proceedings, sentence 25678. Puuh on laitettava lapsi päiväunille. It's time to put the child down for a nap. Pieni puuh voi tuottaa suuria tuloksia. A small effort can yield great results. Puuh on omituista, miten paljon lihaa syöt. It's strange how much meat you eat. Puuh oli pitkä ja rankka, mutta tulokset olivat sen arvoisia. The task was long and tough, but the results were worth it. Koulun jälkeen paras puuh on mennä ulos leikkimään ystävien kanssa. The best thing to do after school is to go outside and play with friends. Show more arrow right
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