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lepsusti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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feebly, limply, negligently, leniently Show more arrow right lepsu +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Europarl8; ParaCrawl Corpus Aika lepsusti. Been taking it pretty easy on us. Nelson ottaa kaksi erää lepsusti. Nelson will carry your guy two heats! Tässä maassa puhutaan niin lepsusti. Look, this isn't going away. Paikallinen poliisi hankki lepsusti todisteita. He should have had the chair, but he had a sharp attorney... and the local police were a little too zealous in their pursuit of evidence. Soymour edusti minua lepsusti. Ehdotti sovittelua. Seymour was representing me, but he wasn't doing squat! WTC:n terrorins-iskujen jälkeen toimintaa valvottiin lepsusti. After 9 / 11, some people got leeway, let their emotions get the best of them. Toisinaan, kun he uskovat sinun toimivan liian lepsusti, toiset huomauttavat siitä. Sometimes when they believe that you are too weak, the other side will point that out. Moitit kampanjassa, että suhtaudun lepsusti rikoksiin, kun tiesit, ettei se ole totta. You ran an attack ad saying I was soft on crime, when you knew damn well it wasn't true. Räpsyvä saundi saa basarin ja kitaran kuulostamaan lepsusti soitetulta. This crackling sound makes the bass drum and guitar sound sloppy. Tosiasia on myös se, että on tehtävä loppu muka"hyvää tekevästä"asenteesta, jolla uskonnollisista tai kulttuurisista syistä tehtyjä rikoksia kohdellaan lepsusti. It is also a fact that we need to put a stop to the pseudo-do-gooder mentality that treats crimes committed with a religious or cultural motive with leniency. Show more arrow right
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feebly, limply, negligently, leniently Show more arrow right lepsu +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Europarl8; ParaCrawl Corpus Aika lepsusti. Been taking it pretty easy on us. Nelson ottaa kaksi erää lepsusti. Nelson will carry your guy two heats! Tässä maassa puhutaan niin lepsusti. Look, this isn't going away. Paikallinen poliisi hankki lepsusti todisteita. He should have had the chair, but he had a sharp attorney... and the local police were a little too zealous in their pursuit of evidence. Soymour edusti minua lepsusti. Ehdotti sovittelua. Seymour was representing me, but he wasn't doing squat! WTC:n terrorins-iskujen jälkeen toimintaa valvottiin lepsusti. After 9 / 11, some people got leeway, let their emotions get the best of them. Toisinaan, kun he uskovat sinun toimivan liian lepsusti, toiset huomauttavat siitä. Sometimes when they believe that you are too weak, the other side will point that out. Moitit kampanjassa, että suhtaudun lepsusti rikoksiin, kun tiesit, ettei se ole totta. You ran an attack ad saying I was soft on crime, when you knew damn well it wasn't true. Räpsyvä saundi saa basarin ja kitaran kuulostamaan lepsusti soitetulta. This crackling sound makes the bass drum and guitar sound sloppy. Tosiasia on myös se, että on tehtävä loppu muka"hyvää tekevästä"asenteesta, jolla uskonnollisista tai kulttuurisista syistä tehtyjä rikoksia kohdellaan lepsusti. It is also a fact that we need to put a stop to the pseudo-do-gooder mentality that treats crimes committed with a religious or cultural motive with leniency. Show more arrow right
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