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Show more Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence alignment 3434507; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Tatoeba, sentence alignment 1015880; OpenSubtitles2018; Tatoeba, sentence alignment 4437077Envoitulla, anteeks.
I can't come, sorry. Suoanteeks.
Yeah, pardon me for a second. Anteeksvaan. I beg your pardon, miss. Annaanteeks. Forgive me. Anteeks, ettäolenmyöhässä. Sorry I'm late. Vau, anteeks.
Wow, sorry. Anteeks, Homer. Sorry'bout that, Homer. Anteeks, Peppi. I'm sorry, Peppi. Kävitköanteekshänenluonaan?
Did you visit apologize at her place? Olenniinväsynyttänään, anteeks.
I'm so tired today, sorry. Show more Get Premium!For Unlimited access Log in or Get Premium.
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Show more Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence alignment 3434507; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Tatoeba, sentence alignment 1015880; OpenSubtitles2018; Tatoeba, sentence alignment 4437077Envoitulla, anteeks.
I can't come, sorry. Suoanteeks.
Yeah, pardon me for a second. Anteeksvaan. I beg your pardon, miss. Annaanteeks. Forgive me. Anteeks, ettäolenmyöhässä. Sorry I'm late. Vau, anteeks.
Wow, sorry. Anteeks, Homer. Sorry'bout that, Homer. Anteeks, Peppi. I'm sorry, Peppi. Kävitköanteekshänenluonaan?
Did you visit apologize at her place? Olenniinväsynyttänään, anteeks.
I'm so tired today, sorry. Show more Get Premium!For Unlimited access Log in or Get Premium.
You can now close this dialog and continue using in 4s.
First 7 days FREE Trial!
Show more Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence alignment 3434507; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Tatoeba, sentence alignment 1015880; OpenSubtitles2018; Tatoeba, sentence alignment 4437077Envoitulla, anteeks.
I can't come, sorry. Suoanteeks.
Yeah, pardon me for a second. Anteeksvaan. I beg your pardon, miss. Annaanteeks. Forgive me. Anteeks, ettäolenmyöhässä. Sorry I'm late. Vau, anteeks.
Wow, sorry. Anteeks, Homer. Sorry'bout that, Homer. Anteeks, Peppi. I'm sorry, Peppi. Kävitköanteekshänenluonaan?
Did you visit apologize at her place? Olenniinväsynyttänään, anteeks.
I'm so tired today, sorry. Show more Get Premium!For Unlimited access Log in or Get Premium.
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