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teknisesti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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technically Show more arrow right tekninen +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
technically teknisesti, muodollisesti
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Tilde MODEL Parallel Corpus, sentence id: tilde-opus-v1.12-ids-iwslt-12-1497-10994-0049-3-0364-0373; OpenSubtitles; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence id: 10003-005-001; Tatoeba; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence id: 7922748; Europarl; KDE4; SETIMES; OPUS - Finnish-English, sentence id: book_17252-121; EUbookshop Translation Memory, sentence id: 13969-232 Hän on teknisesti erittäin taitava. Technically, he is very skilled. Tarvitsen teknisesti pätevän henkilön. I need someone who is technically competent. Teknisesti tämä on erittäin vaativa teos. Technically, this is a very demanding piece. Ja teknisesti ottaen, emme tarvitse sinua enää. And technically speaking, we don't need you anymore. Teknisesti ottaen tilanne on parempi kuin koskaan. The situation is technically better than ever. Teknisesti ottaen, tämä on erittäin tärkeä kysymys. Technically speaking, this is a very important issue. Tiesin, että, teknisesti ottaen, en voi estää sinua. I knew that, technically, I couldn't stop you. Hänen väitteensä jäävät teknisesti siten epäselviksi. His claims technically remain unclear in this way. Ottaen huomioon tilanne teknisesti, emme voi tehdä paljoa. Given the situation technically, we can't do much. Teknisesti katsoen ei ole mitään mahdollisuutta selvittää asiaa. Technically speaking, there is no way to solve the issue. Show more arrow right


technically Show more arrow right tekninen +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
technically teknisesti, muodollisesti
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Tilde MODEL Parallel Corpus, sentence id: tilde-opus-v1.12-ids-iwslt-12-1497-10994-0049-3-0364-0373; OpenSubtitles; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence id: 10003-005-001; Tatoeba; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence id: 7922748; Europarl; KDE4; SETIMES; OPUS - Finnish-English, sentence id: book_17252-121; EUbookshop Translation Memory, sentence id: 13969-232 Hän on teknisesti erittäin taitava. Technically, he is very skilled. Tarvitsen teknisesti pätevän henkilön. I need someone who is technically competent. Teknisesti tämä on erittäin vaativa teos. Technically, this is a very demanding piece. Ja teknisesti ottaen, emme tarvitse sinua enää. And technically speaking, we don't need you anymore. Teknisesti ottaen tilanne on parempi kuin koskaan. The situation is technically better than ever. Teknisesti ottaen, tämä on erittäin tärkeä kysymys. Technically speaking, this is a very important issue. Tiesin, että, teknisesti ottaen, en voi estää sinua. I knew that, technically, I couldn't stop you. Hänen väitteensä jäävät teknisesti siten epäselviksi. His claims technically remain unclear in this way. Ottaen huomioon tilanne teknisesti, emme voi tehdä paljoa. Given the situation technically, we can't do much. Teknisesti katsoen ei ole mitään mahdollisuutta selvittää asiaa. Technically speaking, there is no way to solve the issue. Show more arrow right
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