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fleeing, escaping, intoexileFin:Sodat Irakissa, Afghanistanissa, Syyriassa, ja osin Pohjois-Afrikassa ovat ajaneet miljoonat ihmiset pakosalleEng:.
Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and in parts of North Africa have driven millions of people into exile.Show more pakoonShow more The allative singular of pako with the interfix -sa-.Show more
fleeing, escaping, intoexileFin:Sodat Irakissa, Afghanistanissa, Syyriassa, ja osin Pohjois-Afrikassa ovat ajaneet miljoonat ihmiset pakosalleEng:.
Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and in parts of North Africa have driven millions of people into exile.Show more pakoonShow more The allative singular of pako with the interfix -sa-.Show more uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.