right (opposite of left)Fin:Käytä oikeaa kättäsi.Eng:Use your right hand.right, correct (morally good, acceptable; free from error, true; opposite of wrong)Fin:Se oli oikea vastaus.Eng:It was a correct answer.Fin:Annen vastaus on oikeampi kuin minun.Eng:Anne's answer more correct than mine.appropriate, proper, fittingreal, trueFin:Ovatko nämä oikeita mustikoita?Eng:Are these real bilberries?Fin:Pinokkiosta tuli oikea poika.Eng:Pinocchio became a real boy.Fin:Samu Sirkka on oikea ystävä.Eng:Jiminy Cricket is a true friend.just, fair(archaic) right, straight, notbentorcrookedShow more (appropriate, proper, fitting): sopiva(real, true): todellinen(just, fair): oikeudenmukainenShow more (right (opposite of left)): vasen(right, correct (opposite of wrong)): vääräShow more The superlatives oikein and väärin are rarely appropriate, because right and wrong are often understood as absolutes, and because of the homonymy with much more frequently used adverbs. People tend to circumvent them by saying enitenväärä, lähinnäoikeaa and enitenoikea, choosing another adjective if available (e.g. kiero, oikeanpuoleinen, oikeellinen) or using kaikista as determiner.Show more NounsoikeusShow more From Proto-Finnic oikeda, from Proto-Finno-Permic wojketa.Show more Press Esc to closeSource:
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