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(transitive) to read Fin:Siinä lukee, että...Eng:It reads that... (transitive, academic) to study (review materials; take a course) Fin:Mitä luet yliopistossa?Eng:What are you studying at the university? (intransitive + translative) to consider (as) Fin:Kahvitauko luetaan työaikaan kuuluvaksi.Eng:A coffee break is considered to be included in the working time. (obsolete) to count, still used in some expressions like mukaan luettuna, mukaan lukien Show more arrow right (to read): lukea takes the elative (or, with some words, ablative) case for location, i.e. require the question "where ... from?" instead of "where?".The elative (or, in some cases, ablative) case is used with etsiä, löytyä, löytää, lukea and kuulla. (i.e. "where ... from?" instead of "where?").The illative (or, in some cases, allative) case is used with saapua, eksyä, eksyttää, jäädä, jättää, hukkua, hukata, kadota, kadottaa, hävitä, hävittää and rakentaa. (i.e. "where ... to?" instead of "where?")Luin sen lehdestä.I read it in (lit. from) the magazine. Show more arrow right Adjectives lukematon Nouns lukemalukeminenlukijalukioluku Verbs frequentative lueskellamomentane lukaistafactitive luettaareflexive lukeutua lukea rivien välistä = to read between the lines (the exact same meaning as in English)pois lukien Show more arrow right oikolukea Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic lukedak, from Proto-Uralic luke- (“to count”). Cognate with Northern Sami logi (“10”), lohkat (“read, count”), Erzya ловномс (lovnoms, “read”), Eastern Mari лу (lu, “10”), Udmurt лыдӟыны (lyddźyny, “count, read”) and possibly Hungarian olvas. Show more arrow right
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