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jaloilleen, adverb

Word analysis



Adverb, 3rd singular/plural possessive

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his feet
on their feet
on his feet
their feet
on its feet
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Europarl; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; ParaCrawl; OPUS; OpenSubtitles; TED Talks Parallel Corpus; opensubtitles2; Tatoeba; 10003445.; 10003446. Hän nousi nopeasti jaloilleen. He quickly got back on his feet. Nostakaa heidät jaloilleen. Come on, get'em on their feet! Hän kaatui mutta nousi nopeasti jaloilleen. He fell down but quickly got back on his feet. Mies jäi miettimään, miten pääsisi jaloilleen. The man stayed thinking how to get back on his feet. Tämä auttaa vauvaa oppimaan nousemaan jaloilleen. This helps the baby learn how to stand on their own feet. Saatuaan jälleen jaloilleen hän juoksi ulos talosta. Once back on his feet, he ran out of the house. Nouse jaloillesi siitä. Hey, come on, you, on your feet!. Nainen kompastui ja yritti nousta jaloilleen mahdollisimman nopeasti. The woman stumbled and tried to get on her feet as quickly as possible. Taistelkaa jaloillenne vapauteemme. Fight for our freedom on yourfeet. Marssikaa jaloillenne voiton kautta. March to victory on yourfeet. Show more arrow right
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