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hiljakkoin, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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recently Show more arrow right hilja +‎ -kkoin; compare hiljattain. Show more arrow right
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Literature; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; jw2019 Ettehän ole häntä hiljakkoin nähnyt. You have not seen him lately.'. Oletteko ollut stressaantunut hiljakkoin? Have you been under stress lately? Se on ironia, jonka ymmärsin vasta hiljakkoin. That's the irony... that I recently understood. Sain kuulla lastesi kokeneen hiljakkoin suuren tragedian. And I understand, Peter, that your children recently underwent quite a tragedy? Mutta sanohan, Arbakes, oletko hiljakkoin nähnyt veljeäni? But tell me, Arbaces, hast thou seen my brother of late? Hiljakkoin sinä olet ilmoittanut, milloin aika on loppunut. You know, lately you have always been telling me when our time is up. Rettin oireyhtymän aiheuttava geenivirhe löydettiin hiljakkoin. Recently the gene that causes RS was discovered. Länsins-Afrikan käsityötaidon historia on alkanut selvitä vasta hiljakkoin. It's only recently that the full and extraordinary history of West African craftsmanship has begun to emerge. Kotiin palattuaan hän alkoi tutkia, ja hän kävi kasteella hiljakkoin pidetyssä konventissa. Upon returning home, he began to study, and at a recent assembly, he was baptized. Tuhannen yksi yötäoli hiljakkoin ensi kertaa käännetty ranskaksi ja tullut hyvin suosituksi. The Thousand and One Nights* had just been translated for the first time, and was very much in vogue at that period. Show more arrow right
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recently Show more arrow right hilja +‎ -kkoin; compare hiljattain. Show more arrow right
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Literature; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; jw2019 Ettehän ole häntä hiljakkoin nähnyt. You have not seen him lately.'. Oletteko ollut stressaantunut hiljakkoin? Have you been under stress lately? Se on ironia, jonka ymmärsin vasta hiljakkoin. That's the irony... that I recently understood. Sain kuulla lastesi kokeneen hiljakkoin suuren tragedian. And I understand, Peter, that your children recently underwent quite a tragedy? Mutta sanohan, Arbakes, oletko hiljakkoin nähnyt veljeäni? But tell me, Arbaces, hast thou seen my brother of late? Hiljakkoin sinä olet ilmoittanut, milloin aika on loppunut. You know, lately you have always been telling me when our time is up. Rettin oireyhtymän aiheuttava geenivirhe löydettiin hiljakkoin. Recently the gene that causes RS was discovered. Länsins-Afrikan käsityötaidon historia on alkanut selvitä vasta hiljakkoin. It's only recently that the full and extraordinary history of West African craftsmanship has begun to emerge. Kotiin palattuaan hän alkoi tutkia, ja hän kävi kasteella hiljakkoin pidetyssä konventissa. Upon returning home, he began to study, and at a recent assembly, he was baptized. Tuhannen yksi yötäoli hiljakkoin ensi kertaa käännetty ranskaksi ja tullut hyvin suosituksi. The Thousand and One Nights* had just been translated for the first time, and was very much in vogue at that period. Show more arrow right
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