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hieman + kin, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles, Focus clitic with suffix kaan


Adverb, Focus clitic with suffix kaan

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a little, bit, tad, slightly Show more arrow right Possibly borrowed from Proto-Germanic sēmô through earlier šeema(n). Doublet of siemen. Show more arrow right
slightly hieman, jossain määrin
with a touch hieman
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OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765; AI Translate Parallel Corpus, sentence 24680; OPUS-ParaCrawl, sentence 54321; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 123456; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 78497; OpenSubtitles; Tatoeba; Europarl; OPUS Hieman pelottava tilanne. A bit scary situation. Hieman erilainen tapa juhlia. A little different way of celebrating. Hän nyökkäsi hieman epäröiden. She nodded slightly hesitantly. Hän hymyili hieman hermostuneena. She smiled somewhat nervously. Hieman väsynyt hän istui sohvalla. She sat on the couch feeling a little tired. En ehkä ole täysin oikeassa, mutta hieman olen. I might not be completely right, but a bit I am. Voisin aina muutaman viikon kuluttua lukea sitä hieman. I could read it a little a few weeks later. Älä odota, että kirjoitusvirheeni alkavat hieman huvittaa. Don't expect my typos to start amusing you a little. Hieman myöhemmin komissio esittää asiaa koskevan ehdotuksensa. The Commission will submit its proposal a little later. Rikas mies sanoi hänelle jotain, johon hän vastasi hieman nolona. The rich man said something to him, to which he replied a little embarrassed. Show more arrow right


a little, bit, tad, slightly Show more arrow right Possibly borrowed from Proto-Germanic sēmô through earlier šeema(n). Doublet of siemen. Show more arrow right
slightly hieman, jossain määrin
with a touch hieman
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OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765; AI Translate Parallel Corpus, sentence 24680; OPUS-ParaCrawl, sentence 54321; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 123456; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 78497; OpenSubtitles; Tatoeba; Europarl; OPUS Hieman pelottava tilanne. A bit scary situation. Hieman erilainen tapa juhlia. A little different way of celebrating. Hän nyökkäsi hieman epäröiden. She nodded slightly hesitantly. Hän hymyili hieman hermostuneena. She smiled somewhat nervously. Hieman väsynyt hän istui sohvalla. She sat on the couch feeling a little tired. En ehkä ole täysin oikeassa, mutta hieman olen. I might not be completely right, but a bit I am. Voisin aina muutaman viikon kuluttua lukea sitä hieman. I could read it a little a few weeks later. Älä odota, että kirjoitusvirheeni alkavat hieman huvittaa. Don't expect my typos to start amusing you a little. Hieman myöhemmin komissio esittää asiaa koskevan ehdotuksensa. The Commission will submit its proposal a little later. Rikas mies sanoi hänelle jotain, johon hän vastasi hieman nolona. The rich man said something to him, to which he replied a little embarrassed. Show more arrow right
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