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hetimmiten, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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(colloquial) at once, as soon as possible Show more arrow right (standard language) pikimmiten Show more arrow right < heti Show more arrow right
right away and
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OpenSubtitles; Tatoeba; OPUS; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tilde MODEL; Europarl parallel corpus Voitko auttaa minua hetimmiten? Can you help me right away? Tarvitsen vastauksen hetimmiten. I need an answer immediately. Hän suostui ehdotukseen hetimmiten. He agreed to the proposal straight away. Rouva tulee hetimmiten. My lady will be here presently. Hetimmiten, herra Chubb. Right away, Mr. Chubb. Soitan hänelle hetimmiten. He'll be getting a phone call first thing. Selvitän asiaa hetimmiten. I will find out about it immediately. Pääsin työstä hetimmiten ja riensin apuun. I left work immediately and rushed to help. Haluan puhua hänelle hetimmiten. I want to speak to him forthwith. Hetimmiten sen jälkeen hän tuli takaisin kotiin. He came back home right away after that. Show more arrow right


(colloquial) at once, as soon as possible Show more arrow right (standard language) pikimmiten Show more arrow right < heti Show more arrow right
right away and
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OpenSubtitles; Tatoeba; OPUS; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tilde MODEL; Europarl parallel corpus Voitko auttaa minua hetimmiten? Can you help me right away? Tarvitsen vastauksen hetimmiten. I need an answer immediately. Hän suostui ehdotukseen hetimmiten. He agreed to the proposal straight away. Rouva tulee hetimmiten. My lady will be here presently. Hetimmiten, herra Chubb. Right away, Mr. Chubb. Soitan hänelle hetimmiten. He'll be getting a phone call first thing. Selvitän asiaa hetimmiten. I will find out about it immediately. Pääsin työstä hetimmiten ja riensin apuun. I left work immediately and rushed to help. Haluan puhua hänelle hetimmiten. I want to speak to him forthwith. Hetimmiten sen jälkeen hän tuli takaisin kotiin. He came back home right away after that. Show more arrow right
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