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ka, ACR

Word analysis



ACR, Singular Nominative


Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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the KA
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; QED; Eurlex2019; Europarl8 Nyt me olemme ka... kaksoset. Well, now we're twi, twi, twi, twins. Coo coo kans-choo, rva Robinson. Coo coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson. Chans-Ka, ovatko nuo turvallisia? Chaka.Are they safe? Hänen nimensä taitaa olla Kans-penis. I think his name is Ka -penis. Honey, nandiyan ka ba? Honey are you there? Ka. (vuotta). Avg (years). Kans-Lupen tiedustelupalvelu kertoi siitä. Ka -Lupe's intelligence told me about it. Kns-Kaikki muut lans-lapset kans-katsovat niitä. Th-The other k-kids are gonna w-watch them. Viimeinen näytös on verinen, vaiks-ka muu näytelmä olisi miten hieno. The last act is bloody however fine the rest of the play. Jammussa ja Ka? mirissa pidetään parhaillaan paikallisvaaleja. Local elections are currently being held in Jammu and Kashmir. Show more arrow right


(rare, dialectal) also, too Fin:Minä menin kauppaan ka.Eng:I went to a shop as well. Show more arrow right A dialectal or colloquial 2nd person imperative present of katsoa (“to look”). Variant of kaa, both shortenings of kanssa. Show more arrow right
the KA
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; QED; Eurlex2019; Europarl8 Nyt me olemme ka... kaksoset. Well, now we're twi, twi, twi, twins. Coo coo kans-choo, rva Robinson. Coo coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson. Chans-Ka, ovatko nuo turvallisia? Chaka.Are they safe? Hänen nimensä taitaa olla Kans-penis. I think his name is Ka -penis. Honey, nandiyan ka ba? Honey are you there? Ka. (vuotta). Avg (years). Kans-Lupen tiedustelupalvelu kertoi siitä. Ka -Lupe's intelligence told me about it. Kns-Kaikki muut lans-lapset kans-katsovat niitä. Th-The other k-kids are gonna w-watch them. Viimeinen näytös on verinen, vaiks-ka muu näytelmä olisi miten hieno. The last act is bloody however fine the rest of the play. Jammussa ja Ka? mirissa pidetään parhaillaan paikallisvaaleja. Local elections are currently being held in Jammu and Kashmir. Show more arrow right
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