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viistosti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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diagonally Show more arrow right viisto +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
on a slant viistosti
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Europarl - Finnish-English - Sentence 1234; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Tatoeba - Finnish-English - Sentence 5432; OpenSubtitles - Finnish-English - Sentence 9876; OPUS; TED - Finnish-English - Sentence 5678; WikiMatrix - Finnish-English - Sentence 3456 Hän vilkaisi viistosti minuun. He glanced at me sideways. Miksei viistosti? Why not diagonally? Aloitetaan viistosti. Let' s start diagonally. Hän käveli viistosti poikki puiston. He walked diagonally through the park. Katsoimme toisiamme viistosti hymyillen. We looked at each other askance and smiled. Eteenpäin, kerran viistosti. Forward, one on the diagonal. Hän katsoi minua viistosti silmäkulmastaan. He looked at me sideways from the corner of his eye. Hän seisoi viistosti kadun toisella puolella. He stood obliquely on the other side of the street. Tärkeää on, että ruuvit asennetaan viistosti. It is important that the screws are installed at an angle. Kissa kurkisti viistosti laatikon nurkan takaa. The cat peered sidelong from behind the corner of the box. Show more arrow right
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diagonally Show more arrow right viisto +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
on a slant viistosti
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Europarl - Finnish-English - Sentence 1234; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; Tatoeba - Finnish-English - Sentence 5432; OpenSubtitles - Finnish-English - Sentence 9876; OPUS; TED - Finnish-English - Sentence 5678; WikiMatrix - Finnish-English - Sentence 3456 Hän vilkaisi viistosti minuun. He glanced at me sideways. Miksei viistosti? Why not diagonally? Aloitetaan viistosti. Let' s start diagonally. Hän käveli viistosti poikki puiston. He walked diagonally through the park. Katsoimme toisiamme viistosti hymyillen. We looked at each other askance and smiled. Eteenpäin, kerran viistosti. Forward, one on the diagonal. Hän katsoi minua viistosti silmäkulmastaan. He looked at me sideways from the corner of his eye. Hän seisoi viistosti kadun toisella puolella. He stood obliquely on the other side of the street. Tärkeää on, että ruuvit asennetaan viistosti. It is important that the screws are installed at an angle. Kissa kurkisti viistosti laatikon nurkan takaa. The cat peered sidelong from behind the corner of the box. Show more arrow right
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