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somasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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sweetly, cutely, neatly, beautifully Show more arrow right soma +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; jw2019; Literature Kävipä somasti. Well, icky oakie me. Sattuipa somasti. How appropriate. Moottorit humisevat somasti. The motors are humming sweetly. Sattuipa somasti viimeiseksi. It's kind of a convenient end note. Hän esittää pyyntönsä somasti. She is cute in the way she makes her requests. Ja kuka on tuo, joka punehtuu niin somasti? And who's the one with the pretty pink blush? Hän on pieni runoilija, joka kirjoittaa aika somasti. He is a young poet and writes very prettily. ne eivät sekaannu keskusteluun ja raappivat niin somasti jalallaan. They never mix in the conversation, and they scrape a leg so prettily.. Puku on hirveän sievä, Diana, merensininen ja niin somasti ommeltu. The dress is very pretty, Diana — navy blue and made so fashionably. Kuinka viehättäviltä he näyttivät, kuinka somasti he olivat pukeutuneet! How charming they looked, how sweetly they were dressed! Show more arrow right


sweetly, cutely, neatly, beautifully Show more arrow right soma +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
in the same way
in the same way as
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; jw2019; Literature Kävipä somasti. Well, icky oakie me. Sattuipa somasti. How appropriate. Moottorit humisevat somasti. The motors are humming sweetly. Sattuipa somasti viimeiseksi. It's kind of a convenient end note. Hän esittää pyyntönsä somasti. She is cute in the way she makes her requests. Ja kuka on tuo, joka punehtuu niin somasti? And who's the one with the pretty pink blush? Hän on pieni runoilija, joka kirjoittaa aika somasti. He is a young poet and writes very prettily. ne eivät sekaannu keskusteluun ja raappivat niin somasti jalallaan. They never mix in the conversation, and they scrape a leg so prettily.. Puku on hirveän sievä, Diana, merensininen ja niin somasti ommeltu. The dress is very pretty, Diana — navy blue and made so fashionably. Kuinka viehättäviltä he näyttivät, kuinka somasti he olivat pukeutuneet! How charming they looked, how sweetly they were dressed! Show more arrow right
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