flattened, squeezedbetweensomethingorcollapsed, butstillinonepiece.Fin:Hänen silinterinsä meni lyttyyn, kun hänen seuralaisensa istui vahingossa sen päälle.Eng:His top hat was flattened, when his companion accidentally sat on it.Show more kasaanlysyynläjäänShow more This word looks as if it was illative of the word lytty, but such word does not exist.The term lyttyyn focuses on the transformation when something is flattened, whereas lytyssä refers to the state of having been flattened.Show more Illative of lytty (see lytyssä)Show more
flattened, squeezedbetweensomethingorcollapsed, butstillinonepiece.Fin:Hänen silinterinsä meni lyttyyn, kun hänen seuralaisensa istui vahingossa sen päälle.Eng:His top hat was flattened, when his companion accidentally sat on it.Show more kasaanlysyynläjäänShow more This word looks as if it was illative of the word lytty, but such word does not exist.The term lyttyyn focuses on the transformation when something is flattened, whereas lytyssä refers to the state of having been flattened.Show more Illative of lytty (see lytyssä)Show more
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