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koommin, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles





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(archaic) ever since, thereafter; now usually in the form sen koommin Show more arrow right
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jw2019; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Literature; LDS; opensubtitles2 En kuullut hänestä sen koommin. I never heard from him again. Emme ole tavanneet sen koommin. We haven't seen each other since then. Etkä ole sen koommin nähnyt häntä? – And you haven't seen him since? Eikä ole poistunut talosta sen koommin. And he hasn't left the house since. Tiedän vain, ettei heitä nähty sen koommin. All I know is that they've never been seen since. Richards oli oikeassa; maksuosotuksia ei enää sen koommin nähty. Richards was right; the cheques were never seen again. Heidän ryhmänjohtajansa meni pissalle, eikä häntä ole nähty sen koommin. Their troop leader wandered off to relieve himself, and he hasn't been seen or heard from since. Harold B. Lee hyväksytään kahdentoista apostolin koommin jäseneksi (42). Sustained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (42). Sen vaan tiedän, ettei heitä sen koommin enää milloinkaan tiellä näkynyt. But this much I do know: that not one of them was ever seen in the narrow way again. Hän luopui arvonimestään, maistaanns-kaikestaSen koommin hänestä ei ole kuultu. Kaikki vain rakkauden tähden. He gave up his title, his land, everything he believed in... never to be seen or heard from again... all because of love. Show more arrow right
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(archaic) ever since, thereafter; now usually in the form sen koommin Show more arrow right
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jw2019; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Literature; LDS; opensubtitles2 En kuullut hänestä sen koommin. I never heard from him again. Emme ole tavanneet sen koommin. We haven't seen each other since then. Etkä ole sen koommin nähnyt häntä? – And you haven't seen him since? Eikä ole poistunut talosta sen koommin. And he hasn't left the house since. Tiedän vain, ettei heitä nähty sen koommin. All I know is that they've never been seen since. Richards oli oikeassa; maksuosotuksia ei enää sen koommin nähty. Richards was right; the cheques were never seen again. Heidän ryhmänjohtajansa meni pissalle, eikä häntä ole nähty sen koommin. Their troop leader wandered off to relieve himself, and he hasn't been seen or heard from since. Harold B. Lee hyväksytään kahdentoista apostolin koommin jäseneksi (42). Sustained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (42). Sen vaan tiedän, ettei heitä sen koommin enää milloinkaan tiellä näkynyt. But this much I do know: that not one of them was ever seen in the narrow way again. Hän luopui arvonimestään, maistaanns-kaikestaSen koommin hänestä ei ole kuultu. Kaikki vain rakkauden tähden. He gave up his title, his land, everything he believed in... never to be seen or heard from again... all because of love. Show more arrow right
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(archaic) ever since, thereafter; now usually in the form sen koommin Show more arrow right
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jw2019; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Literature; LDS; opensubtitles2 En kuullut hänestä sen koommin. I never heard from him again. Emme ole tavanneet sen koommin. We haven't seen each other since then. Etkä ole sen koommin nähnyt häntä? – And you haven't seen him since? Eikä ole poistunut talosta sen koommin. And he hasn't left the house since. Tiedän vain, ettei heitä nähty sen koommin. All I know is that they've never been seen since. Richards oli oikeassa; maksuosotuksia ei enää sen koommin nähty. Richards was right; the cheques were never seen again. Heidän ryhmänjohtajansa meni pissalle, eikä häntä ole nähty sen koommin. Their troop leader wandered off to relieve himself, and he hasn't been seen or heard from since. Harold B. Lee hyväksytään kahdentoista apostolin koommin jäseneksi (42). Sustained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (42). Sen vaan tiedän, ettei heitä sen koommin enää milloinkaan tiellä näkynyt. But this much I do know: that not one of them was ever seen in the narrow way again. Hän luopui arvonimestään, maistaanns-kaikestaSen koommin hänestä ei ole kuultu. Kaikki vain rakkauden tähden. He gave up his title, his land, everything he believed in... never to be seen or heard from again... all because of love. Show more arrow right
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