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kohteliaasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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politely Show more arrow right kohtelias +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
in a polite way kohteliaasti
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OSCAR; OpenSubtitles; WikiMatrix Perhe tervehti vieraita kohteliaasti ja tarjosi heille istumapaikat. English: The family greeted the guests courteously and offered them seats. Lääkäri kysyi potilaalta kohteliaasti hänen oireistaan ja terveyskunnostaan. English: The doctor asked the patient politely about his symptoms and general health. Asiakaspalvelija vastasi puheluun kohteliaasti ja auttoi asiakasta hänen ongelmissaan. English: The customer service representative answered the call politely and helped the customer with their issues. Show more arrow right


politely Show more arrow right kohtelias +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
in a polite way kohteliaasti
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OSCAR; OpenSubtitles; WikiMatrix Perhe tervehti vieraita kohteliaasti ja tarjosi heille istumapaikat. English: The family greeted the guests courteously and offered them seats. Lääkäri kysyi potilaalta kohteliaasti hänen oireistaan ja terveyskunnostaan. English: The doctor asked the patient politely about his symptoms and general health. Asiakaspalvelija vastasi puheluun kohteliaasti ja auttoi asiakasta hänen ongelmissaan. English: The customer service representative answered the call politely and helped the customer with their issues. Show more arrow right
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