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kohdakkain, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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in alignment, aligned, coinciding against, one against another, face to face Show more arrow right kohta +‎ -kkain; situative case of kohta. Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba; OPUS; ** Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 28940.; Europarl Parallel Corpus; ** OPUS Finnish-English Parallel Corpus, sentence 13579.; ** OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765.; ** Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 1234567.; ** WikiMatrix Parallel Corpus, sentence 54321. Pihlajat olivat kohdakkain itseänsä vasten. The rowan trees were side by side against each other. Hakkerit olivat ryhmittyneet kohdakkain pitkin pituutta. The hackers had grouped themselves side by side along the length. Finnish Sentence: Tuolit olivat kohdakkain pöydän ympärillä.. The chairs were placed side by side around the table. Kapea, kohdakkain rakennettu talo roikkuu jyrkän rinteen yllä. The narrow, side by side constructed house hangs over the steep slope. Moottoritrukki ja kohdakkain sotkupiikka ovat päivittäin käytössä. The forklift and the side by side scraper blade are in daily use. Kamerat, kohdakkain asennetut, tarkkailevat koko ajan polttoainetilannetta. The cameras, installed side by side, monitor the fuel level continuously. Finnish Sentence: Keittiön kaapit olivat asetettu kohdakkain pitkin seinää.. The kitchen cabinets were arranged side by side along the wall. Finnish Sentence: Kaksi taloa seisoi autiomaassa kohdakkain kuin kaksi vartijaa.. Two houses stood in the desert side by side like two guards. Finnish Sentence: Kaupunki ja luonto asuvat kohdakkain tässä kauniissa ympäristössä.. The city and nature coexist side by side in this beautiful environment. Finnish Sentence: Rivi valmiiksi täytettyjä laseja seisoi kohdakkain baaritiskin takana.. A row of pre-filled glasses stood side by side behind the bar counter. Show more arrow right


in alignment, aligned, coinciding against, one against another, face to face Show more arrow right kohta +‎ -kkain; situative case of kohta. Show more arrow right
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Tatoeba; OPUS; ** Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 28940.; Europarl Parallel Corpus; ** OPUS Finnish-English Parallel Corpus, sentence 13579.; ** OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765.; ** Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 1234567.; ** WikiMatrix Parallel Corpus, sentence 54321. Pihlajat olivat kohdakkain itseänsä vasten. The rowan trees were side by side against each other. Hakkerit olivat ryhmittyneet kohdakkain pitkin pituutta. The hackers had grouped themselves side by side along the length. Finnish Sentence: Tuolit olivat kohdakkain pöydän ympärillä.. The chairs were placed side by side around the table. Kapea, kohdakkain rakennettu talo roikkuu jyrkän rinteen yllä. The narrow, side by side constructed house hangs over the steep slope. Moottoritrukki ja kohdakkain sotkupiikka ovat päivittäin käytössä. The forklift and the side by side scraper blade are in daily use. Kamerat, kohdakkain asennetut, tarkkailevat koko ajan polttoainetilannetta. The cameras, installed side by side, monitor the fuel level continuously. Finnish Sentence: Keittiön kaapit olivat asetettu kohdakkain pitkin seinää.. The kitchen cabinets were arranged side by side along the wall. Finnish Sentence: Kaksi taloa seisoi autiomaassa kohdakkain kuin kaksi vartijaa.. Two houses stood in the desert side by side like two guards. Finnish Sentence: Kaupunki ja luonto asuvat kohdakkain tässä kauniissa ympäristössä.. The city and nature coexist side by side in this beautiful environment. Finnish Sentence: Rivi valmiiksi täytettyjä laseja seisoi kohdakkain baaritiskin takana.. A row of pre-filled glasses stood side by side behind the bar counter. Show more arrow right
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