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kis, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

+ ha

Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

+ ha




+ ha

Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



+ ha


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and Kish
of Kish
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Finnish-English Parallel Corpus; Tilde MODEL Parallel Corpora; Opus Parallel Corpus; Lingsoft Parallel Treebank; Opus; Statistical Machine Translation Parallel Corpus Kis juoksee pihalla. The cat is running in the yard. Kis nukkuu sohvalla. The cat is sleeping on the couch. Kis maukui nälkäänsä. The cat meowed out of hunger. Kis hyppäsi aidan yli. The cat jumped over the fence. Minun kis ei pidä vieraista. My cat doesn't like strangers. Kis oli piiloutunut pensaan taakse. The cat had hidden behind the bush. Show more arrow right
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Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles; Literature; EurLex-2; opensubtitles2; Eurlex2019 Ha olkapääni on kipeä. My ha shoulder hurts. Älä ha puhu selän takana. Do not ha talk behind someone's back. Haluaisin ha kaksi pizzapalaa. I would like ha to have two slices of pizza. Ha reipas asenne auttaa vaikeuksien yli. A positive attitude ha helps overcome difficulties. Voisin ha jauhelihakastiketta ja perunaa. I could ha have minced meat sauce and potatoes. Ei sinua kukaan voi tuntea, ha! I am sure no one will find you out, ha! Ja Zingns-ha ja hän tunsivat verenhimonsa yltyvän. How Zing- ha and he felt the blood-lust quicken! Sitrushedelmäviljelmät ha. Citrus plantations | ha. Koska sinä olisit mennytns-Z ha dumiin hänen perässään. Because you would have gone...... to Z'ha' dum after her. Asianomainen pintans-ala (ha). Area concerned ( ha ). Show more arrow right
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Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles; Literature; EurLex-2; opensubtitles2; Eurlex2019 Ha olkapääni on kipeä. My ha shoulder hurts. Älä ha puhu selän takana. Do not ha talk behind someone's back. Haluaisin ha kaksi pizzapalaa. I would like ha to have two slices of pizza. Ha reipas asenne auttaa vaikeuksien yli. A positive attitude ha helps overcome difficulties. Voisin ha jauhelihakastiketta ja perunaa. I could ha have minced meat sauce and potatoes. Ei sinua kukaan voi tuntea, ha! I am sure no one will find you out, ha! Ja Zingns-ha ja hän tunsivat verenhimonsa yltyvän. How Zing- ha and he felt the blood-lust quicken! Sitrushedelmäviljelmät ha. Citrus plantations | ha. Koska sinä olisit mennytns-Z ha dumiin hänen perässään. Because you would have gone...... to Z'ha' dum after her. Asianomainen pintans-ala (ha). Area concerned ( ha ). Show more arrow right
and Kish
of Kish
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Finnish-English Parallel Corpus; Tilde MODEL Parallel Corpora; Opus Parallel Corpus; Lingsoft Parallel Treebank; Opus; Statistical Machine Translation Parallel Corpus Kis juoksee pihalla. The cat is running in the yard. Kis nukkuu sohvalla. The cat is sleeping on the couch. Kis maukui nälkäänsä. The cat meowed out of hunger. Kis hyppäsi aidan yli. The cat jumped over the fence. Minun kis ei pidä vieraista. My cat doesn't like strangers. Kis oli piiloutunut pensaan taakse. The cat had hidden behind the bush. Show more arrow right
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