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kenties, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

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possibly, perhaps Show more arrow right < ken ties (“who knows/knew”) Show more arrow right
perhaps ehkä, kenties
maybe ehkä, kenties
perchance kenties, ehkä
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DCEP Parallel Corpus; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; Finnish-English News Commentary Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus; Europarl Parallel Corpus; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 890123; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 123456; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 345678; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, sentence 789012; OPUS Parallel Corpus, sentence 234567 Kenties hän ei halua osallistua tapahtumaan. Perhaps he doesn't want to participate in the event. Kenties emme pysty ratkaisemaan tätä ongelmaa. Maybe we can't solve this problem. Kenties löydämme yhteisen ratkaisun tähän pulmaan. Maybe we will find a common solution to this puzzle. Kenties hän tietää, miten tämä ongelma ratkaistaan. Perhaps he knows how to solve this problem. Kenties kannattaisi käyttää enemmän aikaa tähän asiaan. Perhaps we should spend more time on this matter. Käväise kahvilla kenties tunnin kuluttua. Drop by for coffee maybe in an hour. Kenties hän ei ole vielä nähnyt viestiäsi. Maybe he hasn't seen your message yet. Kenties hän unohti soittaa sinulle takaisin. Perhaps he forgot to call you back. Et varmaankaan osunut kenties oikeaan aikaan. You probably didn't hit the right time. Tapaamme huomenna kenties kello yhden aikaan. We will meet tomorrow at maybe one o'clock. Show more arrow right
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