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kauan + ko + kin, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles, Question clitic, Focus clitic with suffix s


Adverb, Question clitic, Focus clitic with suffix s

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(for) a long time Fin:kauan sittenEng:long agoFin:Olen tuntenut hänet kauan.Eng:I have known him for a long time. Show more arrow right Instructive singular case of the root kauko- (“far”). Cognate to Ingrian kauvan (“for a long time”), Estonian kaua (“for a long time”), Votic kaugaa (“for a long time”), Votic kōgiń (“for a long time”). Show more arrow right
long kauan, pitkään
ages ago aikoja sitten, kauan
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ParaCrawl Corpus; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OpenSubtitles; WikiMatrix Ja kauankos odotellaan? And how long will we be waiting? Kauankos se aikoo viipyä? How long he staying'? Elokuvan kesto on kauan. The movie is long. Kauankos te olette olleet poliiseina? So, how long you guys been on the force? Kauankos te olette tunteneet toisenne? Say, how long have you two known each other? Tuo ei kestänyt kauankaan. That didn't last for long. Hmm, kauankos olenkaan ollut naimisissa? How long have I been married? Kauankohan se kestää? How long do you think? Kauankohan siinä menee? How long do you think it's going to take us to solve it? Kauankohan tähän menee? I wonder how long it'll take'em to wrap this all up. Show more arrow right
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(for) a long time Fin:kauan sittenEng:long agoFin:Olen tuntenut hänet kauan.Eng:I have known him for a long time. Show more arrow right Instructive singular case of the root kauko- (“far”). Cognate to Ingrian kauvan (“for a long time”), Estonian kaua (“for a long time”), Votic kaugaa (“for a long time”), Votic kōgiń (“for a long time”). Show more arrow right
long kauan, pitkään
ages ago aikoja sitten, kauan
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ParaCrawl Corpus; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OpenSubtitles; WikiMatrix Ja kauankos odotellaan? And how long will we be waiting? Kauankos se aikoo viipyä? How long he staying'? Elokuvan kesto on kauan. The movie is long. Kauankos te olette olleet poliiseina? So, how long you guys been on the force? Kauankos te olette tunteneet toisenne? Say, how long have you two known each other? Tuo ei kestänyt kauankaan. That didn't last for long. Hmm, kauankos olenkaan ollut naimisissa? How long have I been married? Kauankohan se kestää? How long do you think? Kauankohan siinä menee? How long do you think it's going to take us to solve it? Kauankohan tähän menee? I wonder how long it'll take'em to wrap this all up. Show more arrow right
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