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kauan, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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(for) a long time Fin:kauan sittenEng:long agoFin:Olen tuntenut hänet kauan.Eng:I have known him for a long time. Show more arrow right Instructive singular case of the root kauko- (“far”). Cognate to Ingrian kauvan (“for a long time”), Estonian kaua (“for a long time”), Votic kaugaa (“for a long time”), Votic kōgiń (“for a long time”). Show more arrow right
long kauan, pitkään
ages ago aikoja sitten, kauan
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OpenSubtitles; Common Crawl; Finnish-English Parallel Corpus; Opus; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba; WikiMatrix Elokuvan kesto on kauan. The movie is long. Kuinka kauan olet ollut täällä? How long have you been here? Kauan hän odotti junaa asemalla. He waited for the train at the station for a long time. En ole nähnyt häntä kauan aikaan. I haven't seen him for a long time. Tämä kestää liian kauan. This is just taking too long. Ei kestä kauan, kuitenkaan. Will not last, though. Älä mieti liian kauan, tee päätöksesi pian. Don't think too long, make your decision soon. He elivät onnellisina aina kauan sen jälkeen. They lived happily ever after a long time. Kenraali on etsinyt tätä kauan. The general has been after for this for a long time. Niin kauan kuin pääni on pinnalla... As long as my head's above water... Show more arrow right


(for) a long time Fin:kauan sittenEng:long agoFin:Olen tuntenut hänet kauan.Eng:I have known him for a long time. Show more arrow right Instructive singular case of the root kauko- (“far”). Cognate to Ingrian kauvan (“for a long time”), Estonian kaua (“for a long time”), Votic kaugaa (“for a long time”), Votic kōgiń (“for a long time”). Show more arrow right
long kauan, pitkään
ages ago aikoja sitten, kauan
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OpenSubtitles; Common Crawl; Finnish-English Parallel Corpus; Opus; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tatoeba; WikiMatrix Elokuvan kesto on kauan. The movie is long. Kuinka kauan olet ollut täällä? How long have you been here? Kauan hän odotti junaa asemalla. He waited for the train at the station for a long time. En ole nähnyt häntä kauan aikaan. I haven't seen him for a long time. Tämä kestää liian kauan. This is just taking too long. Ei kestä kauan, kuitenkaan. Will not last, though. Älä mieti liian kauan, tee päätöksesi pian. Don't think too long, make your decision soon. He elivät onnellisina aina kauan sen jälkeen. They lived happily ever after a long time. Kenraali on etsinyt tätä kauan. The general has been after for this for a long time. Niin kauan kuin pääni on pinnalla... As long as my head's above water... Show more arrow right
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