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jooh, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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opensubtitles2 Jooh, oikeasti. I bet you play the whole mysterious- guy thing, right? Passaako? Jooh. It s probably some lame house party. Jooh, he kaikki. Yeah, all of them. Jooh, aion mennä. Yeah, I' m gonna go. Jooh, se on kätesi. They taught me about. Jooh, olet oikeassa. Yeah, you' re right. Jooh, se on hauskaa. Bye, guys.- Bye, have fun. Jooh, pitäisin siitä. Maybe we can get some food. Haluatko limun? Jooh. You want a soda? Jooh, se oli tämä baari. It was this bar. Show more arrow right
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opensubtitles2 Jooh, oikeasti. I bet you play the whole mysterious- guy thing, right? Passaako? Jooh. It s probably some lame house party. Jooh, he kaikki. Yeah, all of them. Jooh, aion mennä. Yeah, I' m gonna go. Jooh, se on kätesi. They taught me about. Jooh, olet oikeassa. Yeah, you' re right. Jooh, se on hauskaa. Bye, guys.- Bye, have fun. Jooh, pitäisin siitä. Maybe we can get some food. Haluatko limun? Jooh. You want a soda? Jooh, se oli tämä baari. It was this bar. Show more arrow right
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