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haltuun, adverb

Word analysis



Adverb, 1st singular possessive


Preposition, 1st singular possessive

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(genitive or possessive suffix +) to the possession (care, custody) (of) Fin:Sain haltuuni tärkeän kartan.Eng:I received/took an important map into my possession.Fin:Myöhemmin kartta joutui vihollisen haltuun.Eng:Later the map ended up in the possession of the enemy.Fin:Joutuessaan heidän haltuunsa se voi olla vaarallinen.Eng:While staying in their possession it may be dangerous. Show more arrow right When the headword of haltuun is a personal pronoun, a possessive suffix is added to it and the personal pronoun itself may usually, but not always, be omitted. Show more arrow right haltuunotto ottaa haltuun Show more arrow right See hallussa. The root represents a borrowing from Proto-Germanic haldaną. Show more arrow right
in possession of
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Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; OPUS - Finnish English WMT News Commentary; Helsinki Corpus; OPUS; Europarl Parallel Corpus, Sentence ID: 123456; Europarl Parallel Corpus v8 Se on saanut meidät haltuun. It has gotten us captive. Polttomerkki on peritty haltuunsa. The brand has been passed down to their possession. Briggs otti huumeet haltuun? Briggs took custody of the drugs? Saada sotavoimanne haltuumme. Your soldiers will die with our order. Lääkäri otti Esterin ranteet haltuun. The doctor took Esther's wrists into possession. Poliisi otti huumekäyttäjän haltuunsa. The police took the drug user into custody. Yhtiö otti kilpailijansa haltuunsa. The company took over its competitor. Jos hän ottaa haltuunsa sarjakuvan... But if he's gonna take over the strip... Hän sai yrityksen haltuunsa nopeasti. He quickly took control of the company. Haltuun itsepuolustuskeinot on tärkeä oikeus. Taking control of self-defense means is an important right. Show more arrow right


(genitive or possessive suffix +) to the possession (care, custody) (of) Fin:Sain haltuuni tärkeän kartan.Eng:I received/took an important map into my possession.Fin:Myöhemmin kartta joutui vihollisen haltuun.Eng:Later the map ended up in the possession of the enemy.Fin:Joutuessaan heidän haltuunsa se voi olla vaarallinen.Eng:While staying in their possession it may be dangerous. Show more arrow right When the headword of haltuun is a personal pronoun, a possessive suffix is added to it and the personal pronoun itself may usually, but not always, be omitted. Show more arrow right haltuunotto ottaa haltuun Show more arrow right See hallussa. The root represents a borrowing from Proto-Germanic haldaną. Show more arrow right
in possession of
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Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; opensubtitles2; OPUS - Finnish English WMT News Commentary; Helsinki Corpus; OPUS; Europarl Parallel Corpus, Sentence ID: 123456; Europarl Parallel Corpus v8 Se on saanut meidät haltuun. It has gotten us captive. Polttomerkki on peritty haltuunsa. The brand has been passed down to their possession. Briggs otti huumeet haltuun? Briggs took custody of the drugs? Saada sotavoimanne haltuumme. Your soldiers will die with our order. Lääkäri otti Esterin ranteet haltuun. The doctor took Esther's wrists into possession. Poliisi otti huumekäyttäjän haltuunsa. The police took the drug user into custody. Yhtiö otti kilpailijansa haltuunsa. The company took over its competitor. Jos hän ottaa haltuunsa sarjakuvan... But if he's gonna take over the strip... Hän sai yrityksen haltuunsa nopeasti. He quickly took control of the company. Haltuun itsepuolustuskeinot on tärkeä oikeus. Taking control of self-defense means is an important right. Show more arrow right
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