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hajallaan, adverb

Word analysis



Adverb, 3rd singular/plural possessive




Adverb, 3rd singular/plural possessive


Adverb, 3rd singular possessive


Adverb, 3rd plural possessive

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dispersed smashed broken disassembled scattered in pieces Show more arrow right hajalla Show more arrow right hajalla + possessive suffix Show more arrow right
scattered hajallaan, hajanainen, levällään, hajallaan oleva, satunnainen, hujan hajan
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Tatoeba; Europarl; OpenSubtitles; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OpenSubtitles2018 Kaikki tavarat olivat hajallaan ympäriinsä. All the items were scattered around. Lapset leikkivät hajallaan ympäri huonetta. The children were playing scattered around the room. Hän ehdotti, että ne pitäisi asettaa hajallaan. He suggested that they should be placed scattered. Puhe on levällään, se on nukkumassa hajallaan.. The speech is loose, it's asleep spread out.. Yhteisö on pakostakin hajallaan. The community, by necessity, is dispersed. Liukukitara oli hajallaan hänen jalkainsa juurella. The slide guitar lay broken at his feet. Yritysten tiedot ovat hajallaan monilla eri sivustoilla. The information about companies is scattered across many different websites. Kaduilla oli ihmisiä kuljeskelemassa hajallaan ympäriinsä. There were people wandering aimlessly around the streets. Koko kylä oli kuin autiomaata, talot olivat hajallaan ja autiot. The whole village was like a desert, the houses were scattered and deserted. Ulommat siirtokunnat olivat liian hajallaan ja kaukana. The outer colonies were simply too scattered, too distant. Show more arrow right
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apart dispersed, scattered, in pieces smashed, broken disassembled Show more arrow right hajallaan Show more arrow right Adessive of haja-. Show more arrow right
scattered abroad
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Europarl; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 4023934.; Opensubtitles; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Tanh corpus; OpenSubtitles Parallel Corpus, movie subtitle.; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 2793315. Älä jätä tavaroitasi hajallaan ympäriinsä. Don't leave your things lying around everywhere. En löydä avainnippua, se on jälleen hajallaan. I can't find the keychain, it's all over the place again. Ruoka on levitetty hajallaan pitkälle pöydälle. The food is spread out all over the long table. Yhteisö on pakostakin hajallaan. The community, by necessity, is dispersed. Huonekalut ovat vielä hajallaan uudessa asunnossa. The furniture is still unpacked in the new apartment. Olin hajalla. I was broke. Olit hajalla. You were broken. Hän on hajalla. He's in bits. Lapset leikkivät leluilla, jotka ovat hajallaan lattialla. The children are playing with toys that are spread around on the floor. Hän huomasi, että hänen avaimensa olivat hajallaan laukussa. She noticed that her keys were all over in her bag. Show more arrow right
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