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etäämpää, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Comparitive



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from further away Show more arrow right The separative singular of etäämpi. Show more arrow right
Further afield
Further afield
great distance
Further afield the
Further afield there
from a great distance
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opensubtitles2; Literature Kehotan sinua tarkastelemaan tätä hieman etäämpää, Giroux. I' d encourage you to look at this with a little more detachment, Giroux. Ponyt olivat siellä vieläkin, ja etäämpää näkyi hohtava meri. The ponies were there still, and in distance the shining sea. Minä varroin etäämpää katsellen mihin veneeseen Edvarda menisi, ja minä päätin mennä toiseen veneeseen. I waited on the beach to see which boat Edvarda would choose and decided to take the other one. Show more arrow right


from further away Show more arrow right The separative singular of etäämpi. Show more arrow right
Further afield
Further afield
great distance
Further afield the
Further afield there
from a great distance
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opensubtitles2; Literature Kehotan sinua tarkastelemaan tätä hieman etäämpää, Giroux. I' d encourage you to look at this with a little more detachment, Giroux. Ponyt olivat siellä vieläkin, ja etäämpää näkyi hohtava meri. The ponies were there still, and in distance the shining sea. Minä varroin etäämpää katsellen mihin veneeseen Edvarda menisi, ja minä päätin mennä toiseen veneeseen. I waited on the beach to see which boat Edvarda would choose and decided to take the other one. Show more arrow right
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