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eteen, adverb

Word analysis



Adverb, 2nd plural possessive


Postposition, Postposition 2nd plural possessive

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forward, forwards Show more arrow right Illative singular of esi-. Show more arrow right
in front of edessä, eteen, kuullen, nähden
before ennen, edessä, eteen, edelle, kuullen
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Europarl; JRC-Acquis Parallel Corpus; Tatoeba; WikiMatrix; OpenSubtitles; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OPUS Corpus; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles2018 Parallel Corpus Eteeni asteli kissa. The cat walked in front of me. Katsoin uteliaana eteeni. I looked curiously ahead. Näen selvästi tien eteeni. I can clearly see the road ahead of me. Eteeni avautui upea näkymä. A magnificent view opened up in front of me. Hän astui rehvakkaan eteeni. He stepped boldly in front of me. Eteen astui kaksi poliisia. Two police officers stepped forward. Hän juoksi eteeni ja pyysi apua. He ran in front of me and asked for help. Haluan asettaa tavoitteeni eteeni. I want to set my goals in front of me. Eteen ilmestyi odottamaton este. An unexpected obstacle appeared in front. Laitan eväät eteeni ja lähden retkelle. I pack my snacks in front of me and head out for a hike. Show more arrow right


(of movement) in front of, to the front of eteen (+ genitive or possessive suffix)Fin:Mene talon eteen!Eng:Go in front of the house!Fin:Katso eteesi!Eng:Watch where you're going! into the way of (also figuratively) eteen (+ genitive or possessive suffix)Fin:Älä tule eteeni!Eng:Don't get in my way!Fin:Nyt tuli ongelma eteen.Eng:Now we face a problem. for (the good, benefit or sake of) eteen (+ genitive or possessive suffix)Fin:Tekisitpä joskus jotain yhteiskunnan eteen!Eng:I wish you would do something for the society once! Show more arrow right (in front of): taakse Show more arrow right eteenpäin Show more arrow right Illative singular of esi-. Show more arrow right
in front of edessä, eteen, kuullen, nähden
before ennen, edessä, eteen, edelle, kuullen
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Europarl; JRC-Acquis Parallel Corpus; Tatoeba; WikiMatrix; OpenSubtitles; Europarl Parallel Corpus; OPUS Corpus; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus; OpenSubtitles2018 Parallel Corpus Eteeni asteli kissa. The cat walked in front of me. Katsoin uteliaana eteeni. I looked curiously ahead. Näen selvästi tien eteeni. I can clearly see the road ahead of me. Eteeni avautui upea näkymä. A magnificent view opened up in front of me. Hän astui rehvakkaan eteeni. He stepped boldly in front of me. Eteen astui kaksi poliisia. Two police officers stepped forward. Hän juoksi eteeni ja pyysi apua. He ran in front of me and asked for help. Haluan asettaa tavoitteeni eteeni. I want to set my goals in front of me. Eteen ilmestyi odottamaton este. An unexpected obstacle appeared in front. Laitan eväät eteeni ja lähden retkelle. I pack my snacks in front of me and head out for a hike. Show more arrow right
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