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esille, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Allative



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forward, forth, out, up, to the front, signifying that something that has been hidden comes or is brought to the sight, either in a concrete way or allegorically; used with a verb that signifies motion (see the Usage notes below). Show more arrow right This adverb is used in various collocations. Here are some of the most common. ottaa ~ to take up, to bring up (to address an issue)panna/asettaa ~ to put on display/viewnousta ~ to stand out (to be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one's surroundings)tulla ~ to come up (to emerge as an issue) Show more arrow right Allative plural of esi-. Show more arrow right
up ylös, ylöspäin, esille, jalkeilla, ylhäällä, pystyyn
out ulos, pois, esiin, poissa, ulkona, esille
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Europarl parallel corpus; Opus epoq; Tatoeba; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 4122; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 199; SETIMES2; OpenSubtitles; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 5157; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 1071; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 3096 Esille on nostettava tärkeät kysymykset. The important questions need to be brought out. Poliisi toi esille uusia todisteita tapauksesta. The police brought forward new evidence in the case. Tilanteessa on tärkeää nostaa esille kaikki näkökohdat. In this situation, it is important to bring out all aspects. Se on esille nostettu tämän keskustelun aikana. This has been highlighted during this debate. Esille tuntui kertyvän jämäkkää fyysistä voimaa. In the foreground there seemed to be an accumulation of solid physical strength. Valmentaja nosti pelaajan esille tärkeänä osana joukkueen menestystä. The coach brought the player out as an important part of the team's success. Tutkimuksessa on pyritty tuomaan esille erilaisia näkökulmia aiheeseen. The study has aimed to bring out different perspectives on the topic. Erityisen tärkeä näkökohta on ollut esille tuleva yhteistyö. A particularly important aspect has been the cooperation highlighted. Ajatus päätöslauselmaesityksestä asiasta otettiin esille kiistelyn aikana. The idea of a motion for a resolution on the matter was brought up during the debate. Useimmissa puheenvuoroissa on esille tullut tarve lisätä kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja paikallisten ihmisten osallistumista. Most of the speeches have highlighted the need to increase the involvement of civil society and local people. Show more arrow right


forward, forth, out, up, to the front, signifying that something that has been hidden comes or is brought to the sight, either in a concrete way or allegorically; used with a verb that signifies motion (see the Usage notes below). Show more arrow right This adverb is used in various collocations. Here are some of the most common. ottaa ~ to take up, to bring up (to address an issue)panna/asettaa ~ to put on display/viewnousta ~ to stand out (to be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one's surroundings)tulla ~ to come up (to emerge as an issue) Show more arrow right Allative plural of esi-. Show more arrow right
up ylös, ylöspäin, esille, jalkeilla, ylhäällä, pystyyn
out ulos, pois, esiin, poissa, ulkona, esille
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Europarl parallel corpus; Opus epoq; Tatoeba; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 4122; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 199; SETIMES2; OpenSubtitles; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 5157; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 1071; europarl-v7.fi-en.fi at line 3096 Esille on nostettava tärkeät kysymykset. The important questions need to be brought out. Poliisi toi esille uusia todisteita tapauksesta. The police brought forward new evidence in the case. Tilanteessa on tärkeää nostaa esille kaikki näkökohdat. In this situation, it is important to bring out all aspects. Se on esille nostettu tämän keskustelun aikana. This has been highlighted during this debate. Esille tuntui kertyvän jämäkkää fyysistä voimaa. In the foreground there seemed to be an accumulation of solid physical strength. Valmentaja nosti pelaajan esille tärkeänä osana joukkueen menestystä. The coach brought the player out as an important part of the team's success. Tutkimuksessa on pyritty tuomaan esille erilaisia näkökulmia aiheeseen. The study has aimed to bring out different perspectives on the topic. Erityisen tärkeä näkökohta on ollut esille tuleva yhteistyö. A particularly important aspect has been the cooperation highlighted. Ajatus päätöslauselmaesityksestä asiasta otettiin esille kiistelyn aikana. The idea of a motion for a resolution on the matter was brought up during the debate. Useimmissa puheenvuoroissa on esille tullut tarve lisätä kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja paikallisten ihmisten osallistumista. Most of the speeches have highlighted the need to increase the involvement of civil society and local people. Show more arrow right
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