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arkipäivisin, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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on weekdays, every weekday (every day of the week except on the weekend) Show more arrow right arkipäivä +‎ -isin Show more arrow right
on weekdays
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OPUS 2017, sentence ID: 374246; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OPUS 2017, sentence ID: 731701; Tatoeba, sentence ID: 3339330; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 126268.; ParaCrawl-Web, sentence 230075.; ParaCrawl Corpus; WikiMatrix; OpenSubtitles2018 Parallel Corpus, sentence 37481. Arkipäivisin lähden töihin klo 8. I leave for work at 8 am on weekdays. Tyhjänä arkipäivisin. The place is dead during the week. Arkipäivisin bussiyhteydet ovat hyvät. Public transportation is good on workdays. Useimmat kaupat ovat avoinna arkipäivisin. Most shops are open on weekdays. Arkipäivisin mennään kouluun. on weekdays we go to school. Kodinhoitaja käy arkipäivisin. A housekeeper comes in weekdays. Arkipäivisin on ruuhkaa kaupoissa. on weekdays there is congestion in the stores. Tilauksia lähetetään arkipäivisin. Orders are being shipped during workdays. Kokoukset pidetään aina arkipäivisin. Meetings are always held during common hours. Minä teen kotona etätöitä arkipäivisin. I work from home on weekdays. Show more arrow right
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on weekdays, every weekday (every day of the week except on the weekend) Show more arrow right arkipäivä +‎ -isin Show more arrow right
on weekdays
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OPUS 2017, sentence ID: 374246; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OPUS 2017, sentence ID: 731701; Tatoeba, sentence ID: 3339330; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 126268.; ParaCrawl-Web, sentence 230075.; ParaCrawl Corpus; WikiMatrix; OpenSubtitles2018 Parallel Corpus, sentence 37481. Arkipäivisin lähden töihin klo 8. I leave for work at 8 am on weekdays. Tyhjänä arkipäivisin. The place is dead during the week. Arkipäivisin bussiyhteydet ovat hyvät. Public transportation is good on workdays. Useimmat kaupat ovat avoinna arkipäivisin. Most shops are open on weekdays. Arkipäivisin mennään kouluun. on weekdays we go to school. Kodinhoitaja käy arkipäivisin. A housekeeper comes in weekdays. Arkipäivisin on ruuhkaa kaupoissa. on weekdays there is congestion in the stores. Tilauksia lähetetään arkipäivisin. Orders are being shipped during workdays. Kokoukset pidetään aina arkipäivisin. Meetings are always held during common hours. Minä teen kotona etätöitä arkipäivisin. I work from home on weekdays. Show more arrow right
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