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alhaalla, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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(static) down below, below (static) down there/here (static) downstairs (static) at the bottom Show more arrow right Superessive singular of the stem ala-. The origin of the -h- is likely the same as in the illative suffix -hVn; the original form was likely alahalla (still found in dialects). Compare alaha. Show more arrow right
down alas, alaspäin, alhaalla, maahan, pois, maassa
beneath alla, alle, alapuolella, alhaalla
under alle, alla, veden alla, veden alle, alhaalla, tajuton
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl; Tatoeba; JW300; OpenSubtitles; OPUS Pysy alhaalla. Stay down. Paul, pidä se alhaalla. Paul, keep it down. Ovi alhaalla oli lukossa. The door down below was locked. Tule alhaalla minun kanssani. Come down with me. Joka puolella sattuu alhaalla. It hurts everywhere down there. Lapsi istui portailla alhaalla. The child sat on the stairs down below. Ei, seisomme alhaalla vartiossa. No, we're down standing guard. Ei yhtään mitään tuolla alhaalla. Not a single thing down there. Alhaalla oli pimeää ja hiljaista. Down below, it was dark and quiet. Juna pysähtyi alhaalla laiturilla. The train stopped down below on the platform. Show more arrow right
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(static) down below, below (static) down there/here (static) downstairs (static) at the bottom Show more arrow right Superessive singular of the stem ala-. The origin of the -h- is likely the same as in the illative suffix -hVn; the original form was likely alahalla (still found in dialects). Compare alaha. Show more arrow right
down alas, alaspäin, alhaalla, maahan, pois, maassa
beneath alla, alle, alapuolella, alhaalla
under alle, alla, veden alla, veden alle, alhaalla, tajuton
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OpenSubtitles2018.v3; Europarl; Tatoeba; JW300; OpenSubtitles; OPUS Pysy alhaalla. Stay down. Paul, pidä se alhaalla. Paul, keep it down. Ovi alhaalla oli lukossa. The door down below was locked. Tule alhaalla minun kanssani. Come down with me. Joka puolella sattuu alhaalla. It hurts everywhere down there. Lapsi istui portailla alhaalla. The child sat on the stairs down below. Ei, seisomme alhaalla vartiossa. No, we're down standing guard. Ei yhtään mitään tuolla alhaalla. Not a single thing down there. Alhaalla oli pimeää ja hiljaista. Down below, it was dark and quiet. Juna pysähtyi alhaalla laiturilla. The train stopped down below on the platform. Show more arrow right
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