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alas, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles



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down downward Show more arrow right alhaalle Show more arrow right (down; downward): ylös Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic alas, from Proto-Uralic ëla. Equivalent to a lative singular ala- +‎ -s. Cognates include Estonian all and Hungarian alatt (the lative singular of ala-). Show more arrow right
down alas, alaspäin, alhaalla, maahan, pois, maassa
below alla, alle, alapuolella, alapuolelle, alla oleva, alas
under alle, alla, veden alla, veden alle, alhaalla, alas
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Europarl; JRC-Acquis; Subtitles; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OpenSubtitles; Tatoeba Menen alas portaita. I go down the stairs. Hän katsoi alas maahan. She looked down at the ground. Hän astui alas autosta. He got out down from the car. Istu alas. Sit down. Istukaa alas. Please sit down. Lapset juoksivat alas mäkeä. The children ran down the hill. Mene alas kellarikerrokseen. Go down to the basement floor. Katso tuonne alas. Take a look down there, at the foot of the castle. Ham, alas ja heti. Ham, down, now. Ei ole reittiä alas. There's no way down!. Show more arrow right


down downward Show more arrow right alhaalle Show more arrow right (down; downward): ylös Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic alas, from Proto-Uralic ëla. Equivalent to a lative singular ala- +‎ -s. Cognates include Estonian all and Hungarian alatt (the lative singular of ala-). Show more arrow right
down alas, alaspäin, alhaalla, maahan, pois, maassa
below alla, alle, alapuolella, alapuolelle, alla oleva, alas
under alle, alla, veden alla, veden alle, alhaalla, alas
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Europarl; JRC-Acquis; Subtitles; OpenSubtitles2018.v3; OpenSubtitles; Tatoeba Menen alas portaita. I go down the stairs. Hän katsoi alas maahan. She looked down at the ground. Hän astui alas autosta. He got out down from the car. Istu alas. Sit down. Istukaa alas. Please sit down. Lapset juoksivat alas mäkeä. The children ran down the hill. Mene alas kellarikerrokseen. Go down to the basement floor. Katso tuonne alas. Take a look down there, at the foot of the castle. Ham, alas ja heti. Ham, down, now. Ei ole reittiä alas. There's no way down!. Show more arrow right
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