totakeaway, tobringawaytotake (to), lead, carrytostealtouseup, take, occupy (of time or space)toexportShow more (to steal): varastaa, kähveltää, anastaa(to use up): kuluttaa (time or resources), vaatiaShow more (to take/bring away): tuodaShow more NounsviejävieminenvientiVerbsfactitive viettääShow more From Proto-Finnic veedäk, from Proto-Uralic wixe-. Cognates include Estonian viima and Hungarian visz. The Uralic root may be related to Proto-Indo-European weǵʰ- (compare English weigh, way, and Swedish väga, väg), possibly as a borrowing.Show more Press Esc to closeSource: uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.