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tajuttomasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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unconsciously (colloquial) like crazy, a lot Show more arrow right tajuton +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OPUS Parallel Corpus, sentence 13579; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 54321; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 12345; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 24680; OPUS Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765 Opiskelijat odottavat tajuttomasti kesälomaa. The students are eagerly awaiting unbelievably summer vacation. Tämä talo on koristeltu tajuttomasti jouluvaloilla. This house is decorated unbelievably with Christmas lights. Suunnittelen aina tajuttomasti ostoksiani ennen kauppaan menoa. I always plan my shopping unbelievably in advance before going to the store. Kauhea myrsky riehui eilen ja tuhosi tajuttomasti puita puistossa. A terrible storm raged yesterday and destroyed a huge amount of trees in the park. Älä huolehdi, minulla on tajuttomasti energiaa suorittaa tämä projekti. Don't worry, I have an incredible amount of energy to complete this project. Show more arrow right


unconsciously (colloquial) like crazy, a lot Show more arrow right tajuton +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OPUS Parallel Corpus, sentence 13579; Tatoeba Parallel Corpus, sentence 54321; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 12345; Europarl Parallel Corpus, sentence 24680; OPUS Parallel Corpus, sentence 98765 Opiskelijat odottavat tajuttomasti kesälomaa. The students are eagerly awaiting unbelievably summer vacation. Tämä talo on koristeltu tajuttomasti jouluvaloilla. This house is decorated unbelievably with Christmas lights. Suunnittelen aina tajuttomasti ostoksiani ennen kauppaan menoa. I always plan my shopping unbelievably in advance before going to the store. Kauhea myrsky riehui eilen ja tuhosi tajuttomasti puita puistossa. A terrible storm raged yesterday and destroyed a huge amount of trees in the park. Älä huolehdi, minulla on tajuttomasti energiaa suorittaa tämä projekti. Don't worry, I have an incredible amount of energy to complete this project. Show more arrow right
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