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tahattomasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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unintendedly, involuntarily, unintentionally, inadvertently Show more arrow right tahaton +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
unintentionally tahattomasti, vahingossa
unconsciously tiedostamatta, tahattomasti, tajuttomana
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Europarl Parallel Corpus; Tatoeba; Europarl parallel corpus; OPUS parallel corpus; Tatoeba parallel corpus; WikiMatrix; Tanzil parallel corpus; OpenSubtitles2016; OPUS Tahattomasti aiheutettuja vahinkoja. damage involuntarily caused. En ole tahattomasti loukannut ketään. I haven't hurt anyone unintentionally. Hän loukkasi minut tahattomasti. He accidentally offended me. Varo, ettet tipahda tahattomasti. Watch out so you don't fall accidentally. Hän löi minut maahan tahattomasti. He accidentally knocked me down. Tahattomasti mukana toisen vehkeilyssä. Accidentally involved in someone else's machinations. En halunnut satuttaa häntä tahattomasti. I didn't want to hurt him unintentionally. En voinut estää itseni kompastumasta tahattomasti. I couldn't stop myself from accidentally tripping. Hän keskeytti tahattomasti amerikkalaisen keskustelun. He inadvertenly interrupted an American conversation. Hankala ja monimutkainen prosessi, jossa tahattomasti loukataan ihmisoikeuksia. A difficult and complicated process in which human rights are inadvertently violated. Show more arrow right


unintendedly, involuntarily, unintentionally, inadvertently Show more arrow right tahaton +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
unintentionally tahattomasti, vahingossa
unconsciously tiedostamatta, tahattomasti, tajuttomana
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Europarl Parallel Corpus; Tatoeba; Europarl parallel corpus; OPUS parallel corpus; Tatoeba parallel corpus; WikiMatrix; Tanzil parallel corpus; OpenSubtitles2016; OPUS Tahattomasti aiheutettuja vahinkoja. damage involuntarily caused. En ole tahattomasti loukannut ketään. I haven't hurt anyone unintentionally. Hän loukkasi minut tahattomasti. He accidentally offended me. Varo, ettet tipahda tahattomasti. Watch out so you don't fall accidentally. Hän löi minut maahan tahattomasti. He accidentally knocked me down. Tahattomasti mukana toisen vehkeilyssä. Accidentally involved in someone else's machinations. En halunnut satuttaa häntä tahattomasti. I didn't want to hurt him unintentionally. En voinut estää itseni kompastumasta tahattomasti. I couldn't stop myself from accidentally tripping. Hän keskeytti tahattomasti amerikkalaisen keskustelun. He inadvertenly interrupted an American conversation. Hankala ja monimutkainen prosessi, jossa tahattomasti loukataan ihmisoikeuksia. A difficult and complicated process in which human rights are inadvertently violated. Show more arrow right
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