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(transitive) to get, receive (transitive) to afford; usually in passive (to give forth; yield as natural result) Fin:Rypäleistä saadaan viiniä, oliiveista öljyä.Eng:Grapes afford wine, olives afford oil. (transitive, + infinitive; in indicative or conditional mood) to deserve Fin:Saisit hävetä!You deserve to be ashamed!Eng:You should be ashamed! (transitive, + infinitive) may, to be allowed, to be permitted (transitive, + direct object in accusative + 3rd infinitive in illative) to make (to cause the direct object to be the subject of a verb) Fin:Saat minut nauramaan.Eng:You're making me laugh. (transitive, + direct object in accusative + past participle in translative or partitive) to get, make something done Fin:Oletan saavani paperit korjatuksi tänä viikonloppuna.Eng:I expect myself to get the papers corrected this weekend. (transitive, + past participle in translative or partitive) to get, manage to do (colloquial) to get laid (If the partner is mentioned, the partner is in the ablative case (equivalent to "from")) Show more arrow right (to deserve): sietää in indicative or conditional mood, ansaita Show more arrow right saada aikaan saada alkunsa saada tietää (“to learnfind outcome to know”) Adjectives saamaton Nouns saajasaantisaamamies Verbs factitive saattaapassive saapua Show more arrow right From Proto-Finnic saadak, from Proto-Uralic saxe-. Show more arrow right
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