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justintimeFin:Tulit parahiksi päivälliselle.Eng:You came just in time for dinner.barely, justenoughFin:Rahani riittävät parahiksi kahvikuppiin.Eng:I have just enough money for a cup of coffee.
My money is barely enough for a cup of coffee.Show more sopivasti, juurisopivastihädintuskin, juurijajuuriShow more < paras (“best”), possibly from eastern dialects, compare parahin; probably earliest recorded usage is in Kanteletar (1840)Show more
justintimeFin:Tulit parahiksi päivälliselle.Eng:You came just in time for dinner.barely, justenoughFin:Rahani riittävät parahiksi kahvikuppiin.Eng:I have just enough money for a cup of coffee.
My money is barely enough for a cup of coffee.Show more sopivasti, juurisopivastihädintuskin, juurijajuuriShow more < paras (“best”), possibly from eastern dialects, compare parahin; probably earliest recorded usage is in Kanteletar (1840)Show more uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience, serve personalized content, and analyze traffic. To learn more, please refer to the Cookie policy. By clicking "Accept" you consent to's use of cookies.