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odottamattomasti, Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles

Word analysis



Unclassified particle, lexical feature for undecided particles


Adverb, Derivation with suffix sti



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unexpectedly Show more arrow right odottamatta Show more arrow right odottamaton +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OPUS; Europarl Parallel Corpus; TAUS Data Association; Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles Odottamattomasti hän sai ylennyksen. He got promoted unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän myönsi virheensä. He admitted his mistake unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän ilmestyi paikalle. He showed up unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän suostui auttamaan. He agreed to help unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän vastasi puhelimeen. He answered the phone unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti satoi lunta keskellä kesää. It unexpectedly snowed in the middle of summer. Tunnelma muuttui odottamattomasti hänen saapuessaan paikalle. The atmosphere changed unexpectedly when he arrived at the scene. He yllätettiin odottamattomasti varastamasta kauppakeskuksessa. They were unexpectedly caught stealing in the shopping center. Hän saapui odottamattomasti paikalle juuri ennen esityksen alkua. He unexpectedly arrived at the venue just before the beginning of the performance. Uusi aluevaltaus tehtiin odottamattomasti vastapuolen vahvuuksien kautta. The new breakthrough was made unexpectedly through the strengths of the opposing side. Show more arrow right
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unexpectedly Show more arrow right odottamatta Show more arrow right odottamaton +‎ -sti Show more arrow right
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OPUS; Europarl Parallel Corpus; TAUS Data Association; Europarl; Tatoeba; OpenSubtitles Odottamattomasti hän sai ylennyksen. He got promoted unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän myönsi virheensä. He admitted his mistake unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän ilmestyi paikalle. He showed up unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän suostui auttamaan. He agreed to help unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti hän vastasi puhelimeen. He answered the phone unexpectedly. Odottamattomasti satoi lunta keskellä kesää. It unexpectedly snowed in the middle of summer. Tunnelma muuttui odottamattomasti hänen saapuessaan paikalle. The atmosphere changed unexpectedly when he arrived at the scene. He yllätettiin odottamattomasti varastamasta kauppakeskuksessa. They were unexpectedly caught stealing in the shopping center. Hän saapui odottamattomasti paikalle juuri ennen esityksen alkua. He unexpectedly arrived at the venue just before the beginning of the performance. Uusi aluevaltaus tehtiin odottamattomasti vastapuolen vahvuuksien kautta. The new breakthrough was made unexpectedly through the strengths of the opposing side. Show more arrow right
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